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No Refund for Cancelled Subscription


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You have yet to even express in any reasonable and logical fashion WHY its a lemon. All you have done is wail out it's a lemon. They are thieves. It's non-functional! Oddly enough you never responded when I asked you why it's nonfunctional before. And I ask you this as someone who has multiple 50's and a myriad of other toons across the servers, that I am able to play and quite functionally level with no problem.


Just because you are not experiencing any problems doesn't mean someone else isn't.

Not only did the game not meet what was advertised for me.

It has a plethora of bugs from crafting to lag/fps and many other problems I'm experiencing that also result in consistent down time for all and the reasons for the patches.

It takes the fun away from the game and has become less fun as time goes on with no end game to look forward to as so many lvl 50s are whining about.

There is nobody on the republic side of my server. No one to group with as they stated there would be.

Symptoms got worse after 1.2 for me and even worse after last nights patch.

Patch after patch it's not getting any better, just worse for me and if they can't fix the issues then it's a lemon. Plus They really haven't been able to fix all the issues without screwing something else up. It's truly getting annoying.

I spent time jumping servers to find the right one, crafting with multiple characters with a poor crafting systems that was supposed to get fixed in 1.2 delayed progress. All this denied me from getting to lvl 50 and reaching legacy 6. Excluding me from the award to "loyal" players.

I don't have to explain my game play style or defend it. I felt no rush to get to end game for bragging rights only to complain there is no end game.

This game is far from what they said you could do and enjoy. It may be for some, but not me or many.

Still cant customize your armor like originally intended from the beginning.

This isn't what I signed up for and definitely not the experience would have happily I paid for.

I didn't play WoW or SWG and am truly sorry you all put up with the crap I hear about those games.

The game I played is far more advanced than this game could hope to be even if this survives the 5 years that one has been around. My expectations of a superior MMO as was advertised are higher than all of you trolling me back.

SWTOR said this would be the MMO of all MMOs. I have yet to see it and am pissed for paying too much for it.

This company dosen't treat players equally which is why I want nothing to do with it and not part of the expected paid experience.

Edited by MynockSushi
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It's why they have a lemon law. This game is lemon. They haven't been able to fix the problems and should buy it back. I'll take my losses on time played or as in your illustration the depreciation. I don't want them to have the rest of my money for a lemon that got far worse after 1.2 .



This EUALA does not give you any right to obtain reissues or replacements of the Software at any time. Furthermore, EA is not obliged to supply Software updates, upgrades or expansions, or even to operate or continue support the Game or Software, for an indefinite period. In the event that EA supplies any Software updates, patches, improvements, upgrades or other modifications to the Software, you agree that you will be required to install or patch the Software in the manner decided by EA in its sole discretion so as to continue Game play.


and this:


No Warranty on Software Operation or Game Play; Force Majeure.


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.


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Just because you are not experiencing any problems doesn't mean someone else isn't.

Not only did the game not meet what was advertised for me.

It has a plethora of bugs from crafting to lag/fps and many other problems I'm experiencing that also result in consistent down time for all and the reasons for the patches.

It takes the fun away from the game and has become less fun as time goes on with no end game to look forward to as so many lvl 50s are whining about.

There is nobody on the republic side of my server. No one to group with as they stated there would be.

Symptoms got worse after 1.2 for me and even worse after last nights patch.

Patch after patch it's not getting any better, just worse for me and if they can't fix the issues then it's a lemon. Plus They really haven't been able to fix all the issues without screwing something else up. It's truly getting annoying.

I spent time jumping servers to find the right one, crafting with multiple characters with a poor crafting systems that was supposed to get fixed in 1.2 delayed progress. All this denied me from getting to lvl 50 and reaching legacy 6. Excluding me from the award to "loyal" players.

I don't have to explain my game play style or defend it. I felt no rush to get to end game for bragging rights only to complain there is no end game.

This game is far from what they said you could do and enjoy. It may be for some, but not me or many.

Still cant customize your armor like originally intended from the beginning.

This isn't what I signed up for and definitely not the experience would have happily I paid for.

I didn't play WoW or SWG and am truly sorry you all put up the the crap I hear about those games.

The game I played is far more advanced than this game could hope to be even if this survives the 5 years that one has been around. My expectations of a superior MMO as was advertised are higher than all of you trolling me back.

SWTOR said this would be the MMO of all MMOs. I have yet to see it and am pissed for paying too much for it.

This company dosen't treat players equally which is why I want nothing to do with it and not part of the expected paid experience.


They advertised a bug-free game? It's their fault that you don't like their crafting system? It's their fault that your friends aren't playing? They advertised, as in on TV or the internet, that you would definitely be able to customize armor? It's their fault that you kept switching servers?


As for no End-game, you're kidding me right? Flashpoints say hello. Operations say Hi.


I guess my end point is that Bioware didn't do any of this to you.

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You paid for 6 months, you get 6 months. Whether you like it or not, that is another story... You can't ask for the rollercoaster to stop mid-ride to get off, and get your money back or anything...


There is a good lesson there, pay month-by-month next time. That's what I do... Saving 5-6 bucks for the 6 month subscription is not really worth it...

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god im tired of all the freaking crying jesus. Bottom line you paid for your time that you paid for if you cancel before that time is up you will not get billed past that time you originally paid for. Since you really do not like the game anymore quit then, its that simple, its not like someone is holding a gun to your head and saying you have to play this game. GOD!!!! and on any and all MMOs there is a statement on there that says GAME IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!!!!! Edited by Jorelle
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god im tired of all the freaking crying jesus. Bottom line you paid for your time that you paid for if you cancel before that time is up you will not get billed past that time you originally paid for. Since you really do not like the game anymore quit then, its that simple, its not like someone is holding a gun to your head and saying you have to play this game. GOD!!!! and on any and all MMOs there is a statement on there that says GAME IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!!!!!


If you're tired of it then leave quit coming here, nobody's holding a gun to your head. You just don't expect it to change for the worse.

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If you're tired of it then leave quit coming here, nobody's holding a gun to your head. You just don't expect it to change for the worse.


LOL ur funny dude, i actually love playing the game so i can read any part of the forums i want. Your the one doing the QQing not me.

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By the way... In one of my tickets to customer service. They told me I'd get a refund for time not played. I received an email with this in it.

Greetings **********,


I have received your transmission regarding game refund and subscription refunds.


Regarding subscription refunds, we do refund game time not used when an account is cancelled. However, these issues are dealt with via our Customer Service telephone support.


You can contact our Customer Service team toll-free* over the phone by calling the numbers listed below:


• 1855 GO SWTOR (1855 467 9867) from the USA

• 008000 BIOWARE (00800 0246 9273) from the United Kingdom, France or Germany

• Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)

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By the way... In one of my tickets to customer service. They told me I'd get a refund for time not played. I received an email with this in it.

Greetings **********,


I have received your transmission regarding game refund and subscription refunds.


Regarding subscription refunds, we do refund game time not used when an account is cancelled. However, these issues are dealt with via our Customer Service telephone support.


You can contact our Customer Service team toll-free* over the phone by calling the numbers listed below:


• 1855 GO SWTOR (1855 467 9867) from the USA

• 008000 BIOWARE (00800 0246 9273) from the United Kingdom, France or Germany

• Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)


I did and they told me no, that's why I'm pissed. wouldn't you be?

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He's not eating the whole meal. He's attempting to obtain a refund after determining it sucks and sending the plate back with plenty of food still on it and the management at the restaurant is insisting the meal is fine and demanding that he pay for it.

Normally I would point to the terms of service and inform him he's out of luck, but there are a lot of problems with the game and he's justified in claiming that it is a poor quality and even arguably defective product. Every other industry in American would automatically provide a refund, but the video game industry is some how immune from this standard, which is of course completely asinine.


With his forum date he has been here since launch. He is 4 months into the game. I would say he has eaten the better part of that meal and still wants to get a refund. I don't think many places will refund you when over half the meal is gone.

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With his forum date he has been here since launch. He is 4 months into the game. I would say he has eaten the better part of that meal and still wants to get a refund. I don't think many places will refund you when over half the meal is gone.


The only reason I stayed was they said it would get better. It didn't.

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By the way... In one of my tickets to customer service. They told me I'd get a refund for time not played. I received an email with this in it.

Greetings **********,


I have received your transmission regarding game refund and subscription refunds.


Regarding subscription refunds, we do refund game time not used when an account is cancelled. However, these issues are dealt with via our Customer Service telephone support.


You can contact our Customer Service team toll-free* over the phone by calling the numbers listed below:


• 1855 GO SWTOR (1855 467 9867) from the USA

• 008000 BIOWARE (00800 0246 9273) from the United Kingdom, France or Germany

• Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)


The email just said you wouldn't get one. Obviously they looked over your case and decided to not give you one. Or maybe you misread the ticket with what you wanted to read?

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The only reason I stayed was they said it would get better. It didn't.


Except it has gotten better. The frame-rate is better, the lag is decreased, there are fewer disconnects for most people. The game isn't perfect, but it is loads better than when it released.

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Just because you are not experiencing any problems doesn't mean someone else isn't.

Not only did the game not meet what was advertised for me.

It has a plethora of bugs from crafting to lag/fps and many other problems I'm experiencing that also result in consistent down time for all and the reasons for the patches.

It takes the fun away from the game and has become less fun as time goes on with no end game to look forward to as so many lvl 50s are whining about.

There is nobody on the republic side of my server. No one to group with as they stated there would be.

Symptoms got worse after 1.2 for me and even worse after last nights patch.

Patch after patch it's not getting any better, just worse for me and if they can't fix the issues then it's a lemon. Plus They really haven't been able to fix all the issues without screwing something else up. It's truly getting annoying.

I spent time jumping servers to find the right one, crafting with multiple characters with a poor crafting systems that was supposed to get fixed in 1.2 delayed progress. All this denied me from getting to lvl 50 and reaching legacy 6. Excluding me from the award to "loyal" players.

I don't have to explain my game play style or defend it. I felt no rush to get to end game for bragging rights only to complain there is no end game.

This game is far from what they said you could do and enjoy. It may be for some, but not me or many.

Still cant customize your armor like originally intended from the beginning.

This isn't what I signed up for and definitely not the experience would have happily I paid for.

I didn't play WoW or SWG and am truly sorry you all put up with the crap I hear about those games.

The game I played is far more advanced than this game could hope to be even if this survives the 5 years that one has been around. My expectations of a superior MMO as was advertised are higher than all of you trolling me back.

SWTOR said this would be the MMO of all MMOs. I have yet to see it and am pissed for paying too much for it.

This company dosen't treat players equally which is why I want nothing to do with it and not part of the expected paid experience.


Now we see what he is truly upset about. He's not getting a free month. Your issue not BW. And what do you mean you cant customize your armor? I do it all the time. Upgrading and changing mods out. They never ever said you could make it look how you think it should look.

Edited by shadowrouge
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By the way... In one of my tickets to customer service. They told me I'd get a refund for time not played. I received an email with this in it.

Greetings **********,


I have received your transmission regarding game refund and subscription refunds.


Regarding subscription refunds, we do refund game time not used when an account is cancelled. However, these issues are dealt with via our Customer Service telephone support.


You can contact our Customer Service team toll-free* over the phone by calling the numbers listed below:


• 1855 GO SWTOR (1855 467 9867) from the USA

• 008000 BIOWARE (00800 0246 9273) from the United Kingdom, France or Germany

• Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)


Even if that is a real email. As my guild says screen shot or it didnt happen. You have not canceled you account. You canceled your sub. If you had canceled your account you would be unable to make this post.

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