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Fix the population impalance, BW


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I'll give you that, server to server it may be different. But I still have to ask, what's your suggestion to fix the imbalance? This thread has popped up many times (on many games) and I've yet to actually come across one that has a decent solution to the problem.


And I'm not disagreeing with you. I'd love a 50-50 (+-2%ish) balance, but something needs to be done to make the Republic more appealing in my opinion. What that is? I don't even know yet.


Look all you want but you will be waiting a long time. This is the same in other MMO's where one side would be over populated, there is no solution. BW could set out a smorgasbord of incentives and I would still ignore it just for that alone. I play on a side that I want to play on, no beating that.

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How about doing away with the factions all together?


hmmm, that might work.


And please dont counter argue that it would not be very Star Wars like to do that.....This is what lightside and darkside are for.


NO imperial and republic are political and a huge aspect of the lore the light side/dark side are morality alignment and don't affect your Political disposition necessarily. Even though we typically associate light with republic and dark with empire.

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People say there is nothing BW can do, but in fact there is a lot BW can do.


Short Term:


1) Server mergers. Smart server merges that match high and low populations would help a lot. BW even admits the population of players is too spread out across the servers.


2) Server transfers. Self explanatory.


3) BW can actively approach large guilds on high pop factions and offer them incentives to play the other faction. If they agree give them faction transfers.


Long Term:


1) Give the Republic a cool race that is not available to Empire through legacy. Voss, wookies...there are tons of cool races people would swap faction to play. This has been done successfully in other mmos to shift population.


2) Fix the aesthetics of Republic gear and faction locations.


3) Actively monitor server populations and lock servers if needed. Encourage new players to start on servers where they can help fix population issues.


All these are just off the top of my head and I don't get paid to design games for a living. If I can come up with these ideas surely the people who get paid for a living to do this can come up with better ideas.

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I only read the first 2 pages, but the fix for this is soooo simple lol.... SImply cross server pvp queues. That way warzones pop equally fast for EVERY server.


I am on one of the lowest pop servers in the game (Firkrann Crystal) where at 8:30 pm this saturday evening there were 14 people in the fleet... I play imperial and the republics are even worse off than us. The only decent republic guild re-rolled 2 weeks ago and I haven't fought repubs in a WZ since.


I don't mind the low population from a pvp perspective if I could fight people from other servers.

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People say there is nothing BW can do, but in fact there is a lot BW can do.


Short Term:


1) Server mergers. Smart server merges that match high and low populations would help a lot. BW even admits the population of players is too spread out across the servers.


2) Server transfers. Self explanatory.


3) BW can actively approach large guilds on high pop factions and offer them incentives to play the other faction. If they agree give them faction transfers.


Long Term:


1) Give the Republic a cool race that is not available to Empire through legacy. Voss, wookies...there are tons of cool races people would swap faction to play. This has been done successfully in other mmos to shift population.


2) Fix the aesthetics of Republic gear and faction locations.


3) Actively monitor server populations and lock servers if needed. Encourage new players to start on servers where they can help fix population issues.


All these are just off the top of my head and I don't get paid to design games for a living. If I can come up with these ideas surely the people who get paid for a living to do this can come up with better ideas.


Short Term

1. "Server Merger" is the worst phrase a MMO company can use. This will be avoided at all costs, until it is too late.

2. Unless they are free, not enough people will use them to make a difference.

3. Can you imagine the QQ if this happened? Offering a select group incentives is bad press. Just look at the free month fiasco BW just went through.


Long Term

1. This is probably one of the best options.

2. Cooler gear would probably help, but they only have so much to work with. A Jedi in anything but a bathrobe will make people say it isn't SW enough.

3. Actually looking at real playing trends requires paying people who do nothing but that. Just running a script and saying "Oh, this server has 1,000 Republic character and 1,000 Imperial characters. It is balanced" isn't enough.


Sure there are things BW can do to help, but it isn't as easy or cheap as people think.

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Another is the fleet station, imperial is bright, colourful and tasteful, republic is bland, brown and ugly.


In fact, you can sum up either faction in a single word; Imperial - colourful, republic - brown.


That's kind of suiting the lore. The Empire is a dictatorship, everything is clean and all because no one is allowed to do any kind of ****.


Which is not the case of the Republic, so every kind of species go there doing whatever is it that they wish spilling whatever they do and it gets dirty.


Working as intended, move on.

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