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Advanced Class respec ; )


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Honestly? I sort of think you should be "freely" able to switch between AC's up until ~lvl 20.


Should be high enough so you can see which spec you prefer.


('course, some would argue that you can simply delete and reroll at that low level... but since that's true, what the harm in shortcutting it with a respec so you can quickly swap back and forth?)




The level 10 advanced class things is a design flaw if you ask me!!!

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My feeling on this is that I would like to try different Advanced Classes without rolling the opposing faction mirror. So, I'd like to try a Jedi Guardian, in addition to my Jedi Sentinel, without going the Sith Juggernaut route necessarily. But, I'm limited to 8 character slots and I'd rather not start a new server with a new Legacy just to play around with a different AC.


Advanced Class respecs is one way of giving me what I want. Offering additional character slots is another. Making Legacies cross-server is yet another potential solution. I'm good with any of those options.


This isn't a priority because I'm no where near my 8 class limit, but at some point I would like to see this addressed in some fashion. Obviously, I'd rather have dual spec, auras, and several other features before this is even considered. This is just my view on the issue.

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if the increase the limit from 8 slots than the whole respect advance class will become trivial though who really wants to go through the same story a second time.


I could understand if the advance class effected more than just play style but it has no effect on any thing no even rewards. so whats the point?

to me it seems like a bad way to force people to replay something that wont change.

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I will be really annoyed if BW start allowing AC respecing. I've got several characters with the same class but different ACs.


I'm already pushed to my limit with this game, allowing this would push me overboard and off the SWTOR ship for good.

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Honestly? I sort of think you should be "freely" able to switch between AC's up until ~lvl 20.


Should be high enough so you can see which spec you prefer.


('course, some would argue that you can simply delete and reroll at that low level... but since that's true, what the harm in shortcutting it with a respec so you can quickly swap back and forth?)


the harm is there are enough short cuts already. This attitude of gimme everything right now because i am too lazy to work for it is what has ruined this genre. MMOs were built on spending YEARS on one character to make it great, now people want all the reward without any of the work. Its pathetic, if you want instant everything go play a single player game with cheat codes.

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I would like to know where you read such a thing. It sure was not from a Dev, or anyone working on the game.

If it was please provide a link.


it was said during beta it was THOUGHT ABOUT, but then they made the change of stupid proofing the AC choice boxes by leting you look at the trees and telling you THIS CAN NEVER BE CHANGED. Yet the QQ bigade can;t seem to understand that your AC is your class its not simply a talent spec.

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