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A thought on mortor volley


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I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I think Mortar Volley and by default death from above, is now ripe for some sort of CC tagged on to the skill. It is more useful than before in that it spits out damage much faster, but being that we lack almost any other cc I think this skill could get modded again to provide an aoe cc effect.


Here are a few ideas:

AoE knockdown that is instant and lasts for ~3 secs after channel is complete. I know it gets a knockdown now, but it needs to have an effect in PVP and bosses that don't have movement impairing immunity.

AoE debuff that causes 50% misses for 8 secs (think ringing in the ears like at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan or any other number of films/games that have included that visual)

AoE Snare until next heal/cleanse/death 15secs (each hit targets take increases snare by 20% max3 hits 60% slowed)

AoE interrupt in addition to one of the above


Please feel free suggest more and discuss.

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