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most important stats for mercenary pyro


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First of all, questions like these would belong to the class forums, not new player help. And you might look into some of the guides in the BH forums and so on.


Now simple guide to primary stat vs power


First of all, in general regarding all classes.


Your primary stat increases bonus damage and crit chance to pretty much all your abilities.

Power increases only bonus damage.


The bonus damage from Power is actually a little bit higher than the bonus damage from your primary stat (Aim in case of BH), but since the primary stat increases both bonus damage and crit chance, it will in most cases add more to your overall dps.


Now the bonus damage in both of these increases linearly always by the same ammount.


Your crit chance (which is affected by crit rating in addition to primary stat) however is subject to diminishing returns and will increase more slowly the higher it gets so once you go above a certain point in the diminishing returns curve, the further increases to crit chance become so low, that Power does become your best stat.


Also there are only a few things where there is an actual choice between power and your class primary stat, so it's not really much of an issue.





Now about Pyrotech...

The theoyrycrafters that I've looked into seem to suggest that Pyrotech benefits from crit less than other dps specs, making power much more desirable from early on.

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