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It's 10:00 PM, have you buffed a complete stranger today?


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I'll keep this brief.


Peeps, if your toon is out there on the game world and you come across someone else's toon of a different class, please take the time to give them a free buff. Spread the love around, ok?


I'm assuming that this will be a flame-free thread.


/fingers crossed/



Yes :) I love doing this.

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I want to take a second to say THANK YOU to all the people that randomly buff others. It is one thing to say to do it...it is another to thank those that do and I dont think people get thanked enough for it. :)


I know I get buffed a lot when Im running around. Usually while Im AFK for a couple mins or in the middle of a killing spree for a quest so I dont notice and when I do and look around there is no one there to buff back. >.< I have seen a few that buff and run away making it hard to chase them down to buff them back lol but the gesture is never un-appreciated and I hope people realize that.


That being said, I try to buff any random people I see standing around or running by if Im able to target them. I'll stop running if I see someone in combat and go up and buff them. It is a nice thing to do and some people may be too nooby to realize what is going on or why and some might be those few that just dont care but I try to do it anyway. You just never know when that one extra buff may mean someone stays on their feet a little longer while questing. :)

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