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auto reque and groups disband.


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having to stop auto reque after ever warzone is pretty lame. i can see why they would have it auto checked, but i dont understand why i dont have the option to never check it.


this is not a big deal but this is also a small part of why some pvp groups start with 4 v 7 (to add to my argument :D)

when you add groups getting disbanded into the mix, the very simple task of group queing becomes sloppy and tedious.

again this is not a big deal but i dont understand why this isnt fixed yet.


im a pretty realistic person, i dont think that everything i want should happen because im god of the computer world. i know that these "bugs" would not be high on the list of things to fix but i think a more than reasonable amount of time has passed for something to be done about atleast one of these problems.


p.s since im here complaining i might as well mention if you could stop my focus target from disappearing every time i get on a speeder it would be wonderful :D

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having to stop auto reque after ever warzone is pretty lame. i can see why they would have it auto checked, but i dont understand why i dont have the option to never check it.


this is not a big deal but this is also a small part of why some pvp groups start with 4 v 7 (to add to my argument :D)

when you add groups getting disbanded into the mix, the very simple task of group queing becomes sloppy and tedious.

again this is not a big deal but i dont understand why this isnt fixed yet.


im a pretty realistic person, i dont think that everything i want should happen because im god of the computer world. i know that these "bugs" would not be high on the list of things to fix but i think a more than reasonable amount of time has passed for something to be done about atleast one of these problems.


p.s since im here complaining i might as well mention if you could stop my focus target from disappearing every time i get on a speeder it would be wonderful :D


In fact, tabbing to next target is just as annoying, can't even lock on to some one at times, I have seen it literally target the furthest away enemy in the game. Yet the enemy yards from me, it cant treat as a priority target.

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In fact, tabbing to next target is just as annoying, can't even lock on to some one at times, I have seen it literally target the furthest away enemy in the game. Yet the enemy yards from me, it cant treat as a priority target.


lol ah yea gotta love it when your standing infront of a healer and staring at him for 5 seconds before you start attacking^^ sadly im starting to get used to clicking on my targets. i still get ownd by my tab button occasionally tho :D

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Putting you back in to your group after a warzone was one of the things Bioware said would be in 1.2 but never appeared. So many little things like this that should have been in the game from day one but they seem to have trouble implementing.
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Putting you back in to your group after a warzone was one of the things Bioware said would be in 1.2 but never appeared. So many little things like this that should have been in the game from day one but they seem to have trouble implementing.


i never read the 1.2 promises, im glad you mentioned that.

knowing bioware plans to fix it is better than wondering if its on their radar.


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