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Problems with Sith Marauder Abilities

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There are several issues with the abilities/Skills of this class:


1. My main issue here is that a lot of the abilities of this class which are supposed to be "Uninterpretable" or are supposed to "stun for duration" don't do any such thing.


This class has about 0 CC's except for Force choke, While this is not an issue because we pump out major DPS, it is really annoying when you ravage someone, only to have the skill not work because they Slammed, Cryofreeze, or incapacitate you with a stun or push or whatever, right after you hit the button, thus wasting the skill with no damage to them as well as making you wait the full cool down before using it again......


I might be wrong, but uninterpretable means "Uninterpretable, Can not be stopped", generally means that while using this skill you are Immune to all CC.


In addition skills such as this which are supposed to "stun for duration of the effect" do no such thing.


*** Basically this current skill which is a mara's main attack, is pretty useless do to the fact that:


A. CC blows the cool down and the opponent takes 0 damage from it.

B. You have to wait for said cool down.

C. If you happen to move while doing this ability it cancels it and blows the cool down on it.


FYI, People generally don't stand still in pvp, this is why this skill is "supposed" to "Stun for Duration", and yes while classes have an ability that will let them break a stun, the issue is the skill does not stun players to begin with even though it is supposed to. So once you activate it all the player has to do is move away from you slightly and it's wasted.


This is a major issue since the Maras only CC requires them to be Immobile and Channel in order to Stun the player.


2. Force Jump/Obliterate does not function correctly.


Both of these are supposed to be uninterpretable during action, meaning when I am jumping at someone I should not be able to be Cryofrozen, stunned etc in mid air, or Bounced 50 feet backwards from a smash AOE force push. In addition you are supposed to be immune to cc and have move rate increased for a few seconds after using these skills, neither of these function at all.


Obliterate also like Ravage, does not stun as it should.



Other then that I honestly have no complaints about the Mara, having played one as well as several other classes I would say the lack of CC makes up for the massive DPS, considering every other class has 4-5 of them. Even the Jedi Sents have a tone of CC whereas the Maras do not (Or maybe we do and the skills just do not function as intended like with Obliterate and ravage).


These issues should be fixed in the next patch.

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Crowd control is not an interrupt in mmos terms. "Uninterruptable" means you cant use a skill that interrupts a cast such and does not count Control effects.


Thats how it is and thats how it should be or casters would be immune then to pretty much anything and it would ruin pvp.


Sents have same deal as us in terms of CC only 1, unless you count choke - but they do have an ability like this. Ravage doesnt stun either its a root in place, cant just use abilities to remove this root.

Edited by Carbonated
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I take it you're a FOTM reroll?


There are NO problems with Marauders abilities. The only problem is that which is the player. If you cannot get Intimidating Roar off then you're not positioning yourself right, and the range is huge on that ability. Or big enough. There is absolutely nothing wrong this class.

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Ravage does not stun players nor is it supposed to. It only stuns normal/weak mobs so try using it on a silver or gold mob and you'll see what I mean. Or you could read the tooltip, that works too. Players are not normal or weak mobs.


Obliterate is not a stun, it is an immobilize (read: root). It's the same effect that Force charge does. Neither of these make you immune to CC. Force charge only makes you immune to CC if you are a Juggernaut specced into Unstoppable. Marauders have no such talent that makes you immune to CC by charging.


All the complaints you have for Ravage are intentional. It can't be interrupted through normal means, but stuns/CCs/knockbacks have always worked regardless. If you get interrupted via a stun or CC immediately after pushing your Ravage key, you've been outplayed.


Movement speed increase is only for rage specced marauders after an obliterate if you're specced into it. Charge is not affected by that. And if you happen to be snared after your obliterate, you're going to move slowly regardless.


Jedi Sentinels don't have more CCs than Marauders, we are complete mirrors of each other barring animations. Please inform yourself better.

Edited by Zellfel
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it is really annoying when you ravage someone, only to have the skill not work because they Slammed, Cryofreeze, or incapacitate you with a stun or push or whatever, right after you hit the button, thus wasting the skill with no damage to them as well as making you wait the full cool down before using it again......


actually this part is fine


legitimate gripe


however, its has nothing to do with marauders, all classes suffer from it, it is due to horrible client server communication ... some sort of hardware, or software or game engine issue, i dunno im not much of a techie, but its a universal problem, not a marauder specific problem

Edited by CrazyAl
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Ravage is "uninterruptible" meaning no skills like Disruption, Riot Strike, Quell, etc. can stop it. Stuns/CC skills however, can stop you, and that is intentional. Ravage is our only uninterruptible attack.


Obliterate is not a stun. It's like a short range Force Charge. It's functioning correctly.


Marauders are the Mirrors of Jedi Sentinels. All the skills are pretty much the same. They don't have more CC than you. They just use it more often. Marauders do not need a fix whatsoever. We're OP enough already.

Edited by Ardim
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