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Please please please please please!!!


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make the little girls with cute fluffy teddy bears get a deserter debuff of some kind when they drop out of a WZ because:



1) they might loose

2) they might die

3) they might get attacked

4) their tummy hurts

5) the replacements for the people that left are now leaving because now its not a full group


I have waited patiently for this implementation since Dec 13th.. thats long enough seriously please do something about it.



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They need to do more work on how medals are rewarded, if you are getting your butt kicked its better to stop trying to win and just guard something you have so you can get enough medals to get something out of the match. They also need to change the daily/weekly quests to be based on some kind of participation other then wins. If losing wasn't such a time sink with so little reward less people would drop.


As much as I hate people dropping, I think trying to incentivize it so they they don't drop would be better in the long term because it would hopefully make PvP more fun all the way around.

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