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Viable Healers?


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Pre 1.2 I had done all NMM ops, I did not feel overpowered but in 8 mans me and the sorc (who have played together in other games) did very well together.


Post 1.2 I can still heal everything I used to be able to, the only difference is when I weave in spot heals during massive OP damage I can not sustain low heat and will fail.


Conclusion: Mercs are still great healers with a slightly lower heal output. They still cant AOE heal and are unable to manage heat in large OP heal situations. Like before, a merc needs to be paired with a sorc to manage healing op healing in all situations. Namely SOA when you drop down the "stairs". (we run fast and it's really hard to heal everyone though I'm sure it's possible with two capable mercs/ops)


Another tip, a lot of people say alacrity isn't as good because of heat management. They are not healing to their potential. Don't spam buttons and play smart, you NEED fast heals. Crit/surge is great, but it won't help you in a pinch by adding ~500 to a heal.

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...yet you don't play an Op but keep making comments about them? Pot, meet kettle.


There's a difference between saying "Merc healing is underpowered" and "Merc healing needs to have the exact same tools as every other healing class". You clearly don't understand that classes were meant to be different.


I'm still laughing at you saying Diagnostic Scan is overpowered.


Bodyguards are under-powered because of heat management . I never said they needed the "exact" same skill just used it as an example. They could just change the rate it dissipates or give us another tool to work with.


They could give bodyguards heat back when they crit with their Rapid Shots. Not the same skill Op-Healers would get a +24% to crit with theirs since they have to channel it. and they can use it on themselves.


You follow??


I never said I didn't play an Operative-Healer and cant comment on them , you did tho about bodyguards. /golfclap


It is OP when you have unlimited resources to fill the healing role and bodyguards are left with a 2min cool-down or just doing nothing while it dissipates. That is not balance not even close

Edited by RoadRash
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Are you really this clueless, or are you trolling?


Healers were meant to have different abilities. They have different strengths. Mercs provide a 10% armor buff as well as +heal buff which neither other class gets. Is this imbalance? No. It's classes having different strengths. Stop whining about abilities you're not supposed to have.


Ops have the easiest energy management, but they have the worst burst healing capabilities.


Sorcs get the armor buff as well. I agree that all 3 healers should be different. Sorcs are preventative and aoe healers. Ops can move and heal. Mercs were great if they could stand and heal with a rotation. Now 2 of the 3 can still do their job. Guess who is the worst healer at standing and healing.

Edited by polopopoo
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Bodyguards are under-powered because of heat management . I never said they needed the "exact" same skill just used it as an example. They could just change the rate it dissipates or give us another tool to work with.


They could give bodyguards heat back when they crit with their Rapid Shots. Not the same skill Op-Healers would get a +24% to crit with theirs since they have to channel it. and they can use it on themselves.


You follow??


I never said I didn't play an Operative-Healer and cant comment on them , you did tho about bodyguards. /golfclap


It is OP when you have unlimited resources to fill the healing role and bodyguards are left with a 2min cool-down or just doing nothing while it dissipates. That is not balance not even close

ROFL. I'm not the one calling mediocre/average abilities overpowered, heck, I haven't said a thing about how strong Merc healing is relative to other classes.


YOU are the one comparing them and whining that they have different abilities. So please, get off your soapbox.

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Pre 1.2 I had done all NMM ops, I did not feel overpowered but in 8 mans me and the sorc (who have played together in other games) did very well together.


Post 1.2 I can still heal everything I used to be able to, the only difference is when I weave in spot heals during massive OP damage I can not sustain low heat and will fail.


Conclusion: Mercs are still great healers with a slightly lower heal output. They still cant AOE heal and are unable to manage heat in large OP heal situations. Like before, a merc needs to be paired with a sorc to manage healing op healing in all situations. Namely SOA when you drop down the "stairs". (we run fast and it's really hard to heal everyone though I'm sure it's possible with two capable mercs/ops)


Another tip, a lot of people say alacrity isn't as good because of heat management. They are not healing to their potential. Don't spam buttons and play smart, you NEED fast heals. Crit/surge is great, but it won't help you in a pinch by adding ~500 to a heal.



I was the biggest proponent of pre-1.2 alacrity heavy builds, I ran with <100 surge at times, I solo healed HM both ops multiple times, and it's much harder than NMM with 2 healers (done with both titles yes). Yes I healed through the stairs solo with the help of few merc/sage dps guys, etc. Believe me, Jarg & Sorno HM solo meant _zero mistakes, zero overheals_.


I'm sorry to say, but the overall healing ability of mercs is currently nerfed so much, that we are not viable for all fights, all roles of healing. That means, in short, we are not viable, period. No amount of "but with the sorc handling the tough stuff, we can do it the easy side" explanations works to combat that.


Pre 1.2, with a heavy alacrity build, I was of the mind that we were overall probably the best for fights where the sorc AoE was not easily used. Then again, the sorc AoE was easily used in MANY fights, and at those times, the sorc AoE was supreme, making some content irrelevant even, that is how powerful it is, and it STILL is. Were we overpowered? Probably, atleast if you had Muzzle Fluting and could burst like all hell was breaking loose too, but our _mechanics_ worked. We could burst / cool-off, it was very good mechanics wise, it was interesting, there were tons of things you could maximize in your output.


Now? Nothing. There is literally almost NOTHING to optimize. There is no way to use gas anymore to increase overall healing by doing burst cycles, as all the buffs were nerfed as well as mathematically pure HS+HoT is better than HS+RS comboes, so you do not even want to burst during gas with HS+RS comboes (hah how stupid is that).


Then again I'm getting bored of complaining, still doing it in the hopes that Bioware smartens up and notices that they mathematically broke HS+RS combo, and revert that heat change back. That would most likely help enough, it was and is a super drastic change (32% nerf in heat, how on EARTH did they think it would go well?!).

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