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So will we see planets from kotor I and kotor II


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Malachor V is just a debris field after it was destroyed by the Mass Shadow Generator, so there's no way of going there.


Dantooine is comprised of settlers, a Jedi Enclave in ruins, and grasslands. BOOORING.


Lehon is in the Unknown Regions, and the Republic has been keeping the truth of what happened during the Battle of Rakata Prime away from public view, so only a small number of people know of its existence.

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Malachor V is just a debris field after it was destroyed by the Mass Shadow Generator, so there's no way of going there.


Dantooine is comprised of settlers, a Jedi Enclave in ruins, and grasslands. BOOORING.


Lehon is in the Unknown Regions, and the Republic has been keeping the truth of what happened during the Battle of Rakata Prime away from public view, so only a small number of people know of its existence.


I stil think some remains of sith academy remained so it could be possible to recover so powerful holocrons.


Who know what secreats dantoine holds except the star map.


And since our character are heroes they can go there.

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Malachor V is just a debris field after it was destroyed by the Mass Shadow Generator, so there's no way of going there.


Dantooine is comprised of settlers, a Jedi Enclave in ruins, and grasslands. BOOORING.


Lehon is in the Unknown Regions, and the Republic has been keeping the truth of what happened during the Battle of Rakata Prime away from public view, so only a small number of people know of its existence.


Even with these relatively acceptable reasons, I foresee at least two of the planets mentioned being viable expansions with another most likely being added as an afterthought (Dantooine).

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I was hoping to visit planets like rakata prime


If memory serves, TORHead posted some weeks ago a leaked/datamined listing of the future patches and their content (ie. story, WZ/Ops; pretty vague from a patch notes/mechanics changes standpoint) - we do end up on Rakata Prime in 1.4 or 1.5, IIRC. How true to life that supposed future patch content list is remains to be seen, although it has held up quite well in regards to 1.2 (inclusion of Denova, etc)

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I personally would like to go back to Onderan and Manaan. Onderan would be cool just to see how everything turned out with the Mandalorians and the revolution. Manaan was just a all-around fun place for me and could be a genuine neutral world where Empire and Republic really share the whole map and could meet and trade.


Oh, and Kashyyk. Wookies are awesome.

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Dantooine is comprised of settlers, a Jedi Enclave in ruins, and grasslands. BOOORING.


They can make something happen there that makes it interesting. Hoth is a frozen wasteland, but throw in a crashed dreadnaught that contained a secret superweapon, and it becomes a sorta cool place to have adventures.


Lehon is in the Unknown Regions, and the Republic has been keeping the truth of what happened during the Battle of Rakata Prime away from public view, so only a small number of people know of its existence.


Belsavis is supposed to be a supersecret place, at least Republic side, but all our heroes do find out about it at some point.

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