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Why on earth is Zenith NOT a love interest?? Did he have an .. accident or something? He IS a fully functioning Twi, is he not? He is way better than that moron Tharan, He creeps me out. Please make him a love interest, he is a twi, my consular is a twi, they would be fabulous together!
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I really liked Zenith a lot too. Found him far more interesting then Iresso (though hes ok). His entire story doesn't really explain why he isn't available. I think honestly he will probably be used for the same sex options later on, dunno.


As you find out in one of his conversations:


If anything hes far more open to use his body for diplomacy matters.



But that aside, I just now noticed there is really no true alien love interests. As in looks wise, no twileks, or even Zabraks, Sith Purebloods, etc. All are human, Vector is still human in body, so yeah. :/

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But that aside, I just now noticed there is really no true alien love interests. As in looks wise, no twileks, or even Zabraks, Sith Purebloods, etc. All are human, Vector is still human in body, so yeah. :/


Well, I'm pretty sure trooper ladies can romance Aric Jorgan, who is a Cathar. And male characters can romance Vette (Twi'lek!), Akaavi Spar (Zabrak!), Ashara Zavros, Kaliyo and Nadia Grell, who are aliens. No alien love interests, huh? ;)

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I really liked Zenith a lot too. Found him far more interesting then Iresso (though hes ok). His entire story doesn't really explain why he isn't available. I think honestly he will probably be used for the same sex options later on, dunno.


As you find out in one of his conversations:


If anything hes far more open to use his body for diplomacy matters.



But that aside, I just now noticed there is really no true alien love interests. As in looks wise, no twileks, or even Zabraks, Sith Purebloods, etc. All are human, Vector is still human in body, so yeah. :/


My JC so totally would have been gone over Zenith rather than Iresso. I mean, you summon him, he says, "Who do you want dead?" How much more does a girl need? And yes, I made a few dark sided decisions to help him out. BW PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for the sake of my JC's future, make Zenith retroactive romancable. I mean, he's already said he's going to stick with me....I can see adding in conversation options where this could come up. It would probably make my Jedi look forward to sex more, too....you know, the twilek leku thing.

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Well, I'm pretty sure trooper ladies can romance Aric Jorgan, who is a Cathar. And male characters can romance Vette (Twi'lek!), Akaavi Spar (Zabrak!), Ashara Zavros, Kaliyo and Nadia Grell, who are aliens. No alien love interests, huh? ;)


Hah, true. :( Guess I had a brain fart. xD DIdn't really consider Kaliyo or Nadia outside of the human territory really, even though they are a different kind of human.

Edited by Katreyn
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