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Planet stories need more variety.


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Well I've just finished Quesh on my 41 Grd and I have to say that every planet story so far has been quite uninspired. Seems they all follow the same path, with just a different sith lord to fight at the end. Occasional betrayal here and then but definitely always heavy on politics.


At this point in the game I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the names and plot lines because they all seem so similar in nature. Which is turnIng the questing into a bit of a grind sadly. Maybe if I was more into SW lore they would appeal to me more?

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people think twilight is the best vampire series EVER made.


i couldn't stand the first 15 minutes of the first film. it was terrible.


the same goes with your expert assesment of Quesh. I think its AMAZING. you DON'T


see how this can run around in circles?

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I hear ya. Not gonna lie, for the Empire side, it's usually:


"You there! Screw the Republic. Go blow up and kill stuff. Then fight the Jedi at the end. kthxbye"


Which was, essentially, what Balmorra, Taris and Quesh are mostly about.


But there is some variety. On Tatooine you screwed over the Sand people and Jawas. On Nar Shadda you betrayed a Sith Lord and submit the Shadow Syndicate, and on Taris there's at least Thane to keep things interesting, even if you wanted to destroy that arrogant punk.


Still though, this game is all about Empire v. Republic, so at least they're keeping things consistent.

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