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Need help ID'ing and countering a skill


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saber wielder reeking havok with what appears to be melee AOE unless he's constantly tabbing between me and another. we get him down to like 1% HP.....just the slightest sliver


then he becomes unkillable

my dots won't take his HP down

my AOE won't take him down

neither white nor yellow dmg can kill him

reg dmp or crits (100% crit rate proc) won't injure him


this lasts for quite a while in PvP, about 7-12 secs, enough time for him to concentrate on one guy for that time and take him from 75% to Zero before he finally dies.


I have seen it every now and then, but I am seeing it happen more now.


1. What's the AC?

2. What's the ability, or ability chain?

3. Is there a counter except run?

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saber wielder reeking havok with what appears to be melee AOE unless he's constantly tabbing between me and another. we get him down to like 1% HP.....just the slightest sliver


then he becomes unkillable

my dots won't take his HP down

my AOE won't take him down

neither white nor yellow dmg can kill him

reg dmp or crits (100% crit rate proc) won't injure him


this lasts for quite a while in PvP, about 7-12 secs, enough time for him to concentrate on one guy for that time and take him from 75% to Zero before he finally dies.


I have seen it every now and then, but I am seeing it happen more now.


1. What's the AC?

2. What's the ability, or ability chain?

3. Is there a counter except run?


You are fighting a mara/sentinal. There is nothing to do but run. They have a cd that makes them invulnerable for 6 seconds and they hit like a truck. You can try to not fill thier resolve bar and stun them when they use this CD. Not sure about the AoE

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You are fighting a mara/sentinal. There is nothing to do but run. They have a cd that makes them invulnerable for 6 seconds and they hit like a truck. You can try to not fill thier resolve bar and stun them when they use this CD. Not sure about the AoE


I thought they were immune to stuns when the invulnerability was in effect? Or was that just exaggerated QQ?

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You are fighting a mara/sentinal. There is nothing to do but run. They have a cd that makes them invulnerable for 6 seconds and they hit like a truck. You can try to not fill thier resolve bar and stun them when they use this CD. Not sure about the AoE


thank you


I have 3 sec nades(AOE), they don't do the trick


I play GSling so the first thing you do is CC melee, it's tough to not have filled the resolve bar by the time I get them down to ~25% HP.


I will work on it, thanks.....I'd like to read the tool tip, do you know the name of the ability?

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I believe you're referring to the Sentinel/Marauder that's called 'Guarded by the Force' for Sents, and Undying Rage for Maras.


Here's links to exactly what they do:


Guarded by the Force


Undying Rage


Unfortunately it is instant cast, so there's no interrupting it. As a Shadow Tank I usually cast Force Slow on them and try to kite them a bit (it only lasts 5 seconds) until it wears off. The trick is you don't want to get too far away, if you do they'll just use their force leap to close with you. Basically kite and try to hit them with a mid range attack once it's worn off. You can also save any stuns or knockdowns for this. Stun ----> heal or dps another target ----> wait for effect to end ----> return to Sent/Mara.


Pretty much count on any Sent/Mara using this *just* before they die. They're not dead until their name goes grey!


Hope this helps!

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saber wielder reeking havok with what appears to be melee AOE unless he's constantly tabbing between me and another. we get him down to like 1% HP.....just the slightest sliver


then he becomes unkillable

my dots won't take his HP down

my AOE won't take him down

neither white nor yellow dmg can kill him

reg dmp or crits (100% crit rate proc) won't injure him


this lasts for quite a while in PvP, about 7-12 secs, enough time for him to concentrate on one guy for that time and take him from 75% to Zero before he finally dies.


I have seen it every now and then, but I am seeing it happen more now.


1. What's the AC?

2. What's the ability, or ability chain?

3. Is there a counter except run?


Marauder/Sentinel, specced Rage/Focus. If you seed a red aura around them stun them. Save your CC abilities for these situations. If you see saber throw, force leap, Force Choke. Get ready for an AoE and pop your defensive cool down appropriately. :p


IMO I have no rpboelm with the lolSlam specs. :p it's still the Watchmen/Annihilation specs you gotta be careful of. :p

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