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Bioware this is pretty lame and UNFAIR!


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Yes this exactly, im an altoholic but I CANT gain legacy exp because my alts are on more populated servers than my main.


I love swtor and I would love a free month to lvl my alts.


Knowing about the legacy system, it is your fault for not rolling all of your characters on the same server. Now you want people to fix your mistake for you.

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I'm used to whines about extended downtimes, class imbalance and a lack of ranked warzones, but this has got to be the pettiest gripe of all. Really? You have to spend $15 on this game next month because you don't have a 50, and you felt the need to post about it?








Oh wait. Wah wah. I think we're being trolled. :p

Edited by Blistrich
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"Subway is giving out free cookies on Wednesdays!"

"I'm going to sue them for blatant unfairness, because I can't get to a Subway on Wednesday!"


Permit me to tell you what your parents and teachers evidently failed to tell you: Life isn't fair, you're not a special snowflake, and you don't get to have something just because you want it. BioWare doesn't owe you -- or anyone -- a free month. If they want to give it to level 50 players, or level 6 Legacy players, or players who chose "Customization 3" for their companion between March 1 and March 7, that's their right. If you don't like this, you can unsubscribe. (Of course, if you do, and then resubscribe later, you'll miss out on the (probable) awards given to people who maintain longer subscriptions. So it goes.)


Guess what? Throughout your life, you will constantly be excluded or eliminated from things for any number of reasons utterly and totally beyond your control, and if not getting a free month in a video game is enough to annoy you, you're going to be a suicidal wretch by the time you're 30. (And if you've made it to 30 and still don't understand this, there's no hope for you.)


To reiterate: Life isn't fair. Learn to deal with it. This is good practice for when you encounter unfairness that impacts you a lot more than a free month ever will. Learn to deal with life's little injustices, and you'll be better able to accept life's big injustices. (And, no, "There should be injustice!" is not an option.) The universe is not malicious. It's worse. It's uncaring. You don't matter. You don't count. And the only way to manage to enjoy life is to accept that as a fundamental and unalterable fact.

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You took a 2 month break and you want to be rewarded as one of the royal, dedicated fans?

I know that you can't please everybody but sheesh,.. every joe schmo wants a piece now.


Here we go bringing me into it..... ;)


Op, you said it yourself. You took a 2 month break out of 4 playable months, and you feel you should be rewarded for this? I think the qualifications are more then fair. Then upped it to legacy lvl 6 and gave you 2 extra weeks to get there.

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TBH i was expecting this kind of bullcrap like : lololol ur bad cuz you dont have a 50, you no take 30 days because you don't play everyday in every month.


This is coming from players who received thr 30 days free reward and rub it in my face and into those that don't also meet the stupid requirment Bioware has put up.


You are the one coming to a public forum seeking entitlement you didn't earn. What did you think was going to happen?

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