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Marodeur Pve DMG meter


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Hey ich bin Lvl 50 Marodeur und wollte fragen was ihr so im schnitt an dps fahrt da dazu noch nciht viel im Forum steht. Ich bin Vernichtung geskillt und es pendelt extrem.

Ich erreiche manchmal Dps 700 was meienr meinung nach wenig ist aber dann wieder 1300 hat jemand eine besser skillung zu empfehlen oder ist das der Normale dmg output zur zeit ?


Lg Kills

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Ummm, can we get an english translation? You know, for the English Discussion this was put in.


Ahh, i google translated it.

"Hey I'm Lvl 50 Marauder and wanted to ask her what so cut to the dps because it still can not ride much at the forum. I'm geskillt destruction and extreme commutes. I sometimes reach 700 Dps meienr opinion what is little but then again after 1300 has anyone recommend a better skillung or is it the normal dmg output for time?"

Edited by REiiGN
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Hey ich bin Lvl 50 Marodeur und wollte fragen was ihr so im schnitt an dps fahrt da dazu noch nciht viel im Forum steht. Ich bin Vernichtung geskillt und es pendelt extrem.

Ich erreiche manchmal Dps 700 was meienr meinung nach wenig ist aber dann wieder 1300 hat jemand eine besser skillung zu empfehlen oder ist das der Normale dmg output zur zeit ?


Lg Kills


What he is asking:


Hi, I´m a Lvl 50 Marauder and I like to ask what is the approximate dps you can achieve because I can`t find much in the Forum about it. I have skilled into Annihilation and my dps is jumping up and down.

Sometimes i get 700 dps what in my opinion is to low, but sometimes i reach up to 1300 dps so I want to know if someone can maybe advice me a better spec or is this actually the normal Damage output?

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What he is asking:


Hi, I´m a Lvl 50 Marauder and I like to ask what is the approximate dps you can achieve because I can`t find much in the Forum about it. I have skilled into Annihilation and my dps is jumping up and down.

Sometimes i get 700 dps what in my opinion is to low, but sometimes i reach up to 1300 dps so I want to know if someone can maybe advice me a better spec or is this actually the normal Damage output?


How did Google Translate screw that up so bad?

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1400-1500 is a good mark to shoot for. Some bosses are going have more movement than others sadly so you will see a variance from boss to boss. Basically get close to 100% hit and then stack power/surge. If I recall I was around 1475ish on Nightmare Pilgrim last week.
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Let's simplify this for you:


Damage done >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DPS.




but if you are only putting out 700 dps when you should be putting out 1500 dps, your damage done will be garbage


damage done > dps in so far as spiking high dps then dying is bad compared to sustaining a lower dps but living


when you dont suck, and can live the whole fight then higher dps = higher damage done

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