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Hanging up my Shield-spec Vanguard PvP hat


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You killed us, Bioware, and you have proven you have no love for classic tanks or have any respect for what their intended purpose is. You nerfed our health with 1.2 (I am missing over 1K in health). You nerfed our shielding (I am down from 40% to 31%). Those of us who actually play Shield-spec have no DPS (which is expected, we are tanks not a Mara/Sent) but we should be compensated with being able to take an atrocious beating.


You have made our class more squishy than a Sorc without a bubble. Everyone out DPSs us, as expected, but when I see a Sorc being able to take a WAY better beating than I can (ANY Sorc, not just one great player), then there is obviously a problem. You have made playing a Shield-spec Vanguard unplayable in PvP. If that was your goal, congratulations, you succeeded. The only purpose for playing my Vanguard now is PvE. Thank you for removing half of the playable content from my character.


I am off to make a Sentinel to PvP with since it is apparent you want anyone who wants to stand a chance in PvP to play this class (or it's sister class the Marauder). Here's to hoping 1.3 allows BW to pull its collective head out of its backside and actually give tanks the ability to do just that - TANK. (In case I have to spell that out for you, it means being able to take a beating by mitigating and absorbing damage better than ANY other class.)

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Since the patch I have played with 31 points in Shield spec and 31 in Tactics both worked well while using Ion Cell.


Using energy cell and ion bolt on the same bind makes for some nice burst.


Or the stacking damage of pulse cannon makes for a solid aoe attack in tactics.


I wear fullComab Tech Battle Master, I also have the full Supercommando set.


These are variations on those builds.





Edited by Manuad
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I've not hit level cap with my shield vanguard yet, but I've done a lot better (damage and dps) on this character than my madness Assassin. I've had top damage and medals in a lot of games using just well placed AoE. Stick with healers in bigger groups and take advantage of your survival tools. If nothing else vanguards are really irritating to your opponent and I personally enjoy that.
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Yep, I left the SS ironfitst last night and went to tactics. I die a little faster but really not much of a difference but I have dps now! I might try SS again when I get into full WH gear but for now it is weak in pvp. And yes, lowbie rvr I was a freakin machine topping damage and protection charts. That changes dramatically when you hit 50.
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I've not hit level cap with my shield vanguard yet, but I've done a lot better (damage and dps) on this character than my madness Assassin. I've had top damage and medals in a lot of games using just well placed AoE. Stick with healers in bigger groups and take advantage of your survival tools. If nothing else vanguards are really irritating to your opponent and I personally enjoy that.
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You must have had a crappy tank build because my build (18k health with 50% damage reduction with 40% shield absorption) has not much has changed with the 1.2 patch. I have actually been doing better in pvp before the 1.2 patch. And as a note i have been playing a vanguard tank since December; "I" feel the 1.2 patch was good for troopers


I do strongly agree about the Sorc. they were hard to beet before but now its almost impossible.

Edited by curbkilla
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You must have had a crappy tank build because my build (18k health with 50% damage reduction with 40% shield absorption) has not much has changed with the 1.2 patch. I have actually been doing better in pvp before the 1.2 patch. And as a note i have been playing a vanguard tank since December; "I" feel the 1.2 patch was good for troopers.


I am in BM Supercommando and Combat Tech gear head to toe. My health was 22k, 40% shield absorption, and defense over 8300 before 1.2. I am a "pure" Shield-spec. After the 1.2 patch, I noticed I was missing around 1k in health and my shield only absorbs 31%. Due to the increase of DPS for expertise and the reduction of the traits that make me a tank, does it not stand to reason that I am more squishy after 1.2 than before given I can't mitigate as much damage, I have less health, and Maras/Sents are hitting even harder than they did before?


I decided to run a bunch of WZs today. Two Maras kill me in 3 seconds flat. One by himself in another WZ took about 6 seconds. I was one of the only Troopers in WZs from what I could see, except for one Heal-spec Commando that I see on a regular basis. I have seen a drastic increase in people playing Mara/Sent toons since 1.2, to say the least. I decided to see if it was the same in the 10-49 WZs so I logged on my new Sentinel and, sure enough, after over 10 WZs I did not see a single heavy armor class toon...nothing but robes surrounded me in every single WZ (Sages and Sents). On the other side, almost all were Maras and Sorcs with a spatter of Operatives and Juggs.


I am seeing direct cause an effect from 1.2. Heavies are going to the way side (except for healers) and Sent/Mara toons are being either unshelved or created to take advantage of the awesomeness that they have become. To play a tank in PvP after 1.2 is pointless unless you have 1, perhaps 2, competent healers dedicated to you. Even then, why play a tank with almnost no DPS and cloth for damage mitigation when a Sent/Mara can tank just as well (if not better with their defensive CDs), with less health, and WAY more DPS?


I've started my new Sentinel. It's not what I desire; it is a means to an end so that I do not get facerolled the moment I charge into the fray of a WZ. BW has made it obvious they want most people to play Sent/Mara toons in WZs. Who am I to argue their logic?

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I am in BM Supercommando and Combat Tech gear head to toe.


Thats it then. BM got a BIG nurf in the 1.2 patch. for my toon (btw whats up with calling characters that?)i was running champion supercommando head to toe. which did not get nuffed, it got canceled; and if i was to move to BM gear ALL my stats would go down. So i think there is the miss undersatnding on my part was. where you worn a combination of supercommando and combat tect and i had only supercommando. also the fact that your gear got nuffed and mine didnt.


However, by the amount of time you played to get BM you should be able to get war hero easily. which if you got all supercommando would give you (in pvp) about 23k health / 60% damage reduction / 10% defense chance (ya i know its low) / 50% shield change and 50% shield absorption

Edited by curbkilla
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You killed us, Bioware, and you have proven you have no love for classic tanks or have any respect for what their intended purpose is. You nerfed our health with 1.2 (I am missing over 1K in health). You nerfed our shielding (I am down from 40% to 31%). Those of us who actually play Shield-spec have no DPS (which is expected, we are tanks not a Mara/Sent) but we should be compensated with being able to take an atrocious beating.


You have made our class more squishy than a Sorc without a bubble. Everyone out DPSs us, as expected, but when I see a Sorc being able to take a WAY better beating than I can (ANY Sorc, not just one great player), then there is obviously a problem. You have made playing a Shield-spec Vanguard unplayable in PvP. If that was your goal, congratulations, you succeeded. The only purpose for playing my Vanguard now is PvE. Thank you for removing half of the playable content from my character.


I am off to make a Sentinel to PvP with since it is apparent you want anyone who wants to stand a chance in PvP to play this class (or it's sister class the Marauder). Here's to hoping 1.3 allows BW to pull its collective head out of its backside and actually give tanks the ability to do just that - TANK. (In case I have to spell that out for you, it means being able to take a beating by mitigating and absorbing damage better than ANY other class.)


I haven't noticed any changes at all, maybe your referring to the recent patch after 1.2 that said it reverted tionese stats to what it used to be or something like that, I for one haven't noticed much of a difference, my shield chance is 42%, absorption is like 34%, defense is 14%, armor migitation is 51%, health is 18k with trooper buff. However I did notice a 1k drop in health, and roughly a 1-2% drop in all of my defensive stats listed above(they are current now), but that is it. Im also not wearing the best gear, i have some tionese armor, one battlemaster, and columni implants..

Edited by Alconos
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I'm scratching my head right now because OP. My Shield specced Vanguards runs with DPS gear(BM/Champion eliminator) without any things that would help with shields. Survivability is excellent.


I can take quite long time damage(in pvp terms) from 2-3 imps and I seem to infuriate quite many opponents. I seem to be the last player left standing most of time.


There are only few things I can think that could cause such difference view


1) I have really benign/impotent imperials that have BM or better gear at warzones

2) I play somehow differently. Use more CC and/or have specced my talents differently

3) Gear disparity has to be less disadvantageous to me between me and my opponents somehow

Edited by Jetflair
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I am also scratching my head from what the OP has said.


I'm straight Iron Fist (25/14/2) specced with full BM Combat Tech gear and a Supercommando shield. I do very well in PvP and a lot of the time i'm top 3 if not top 1 DPS and Protection. I feel very powerful and dominate in warzones. I try to play smartly and go for objectives first and use my ccs and abilites at the right time (Enemy pops shield, CC them and spam hammer shot until it's down).


Everybody dies faster now, you just have to be smarter with your cool downs and how you attack somebody. Make sure you are circle strafing your foe and LOS any snipers or gunslingers. Using your interrupts wisely on channeled abilities as well as focusing on healers and separating them from their guards.


With the Iron Fist build you have a 6s cool down interrupt hit, use it wisely and often. Grapple healers and seclude them from the fight, they will hate you.


Also, i eat Marauders for breakfast. CC them when they are channeling Ravage on you or pop their shield, stick and move, keep circle strafing them and you will beat them down. Their survivability is close to nill, they just have a shield and just try to burn you down with DPS as fast as they can.


My suggestions are as follows:

1. Get yourself the Combat Tech gear and use the IF specc.


2. Place guard on everyone getting attacked, you need to think like a healer, throw a guard on somebody who is getting focused on and use your taunts constantly.


3. Most importantly find yourself a healer buddy and queue with them whenever you can. The healer tank combo is amazing and will turn the tide in your favor.

Edited by Vintal
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