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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ninja nerf?


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So, I used to faceroll alot with my 39 Sniper.

But after the patch I hit 40, bought all the PvP-Stuff and suddenly it just didnt work anymore...

Pre Patch, I killed people with Ambush,Expl. Probe, SoS and sometimes Takedown was needed.


So now I specced to MMS and once again I do nice damage but it feels less tho...

cant be the difference of 1 Level, aye? Since my Equip is now alot better.


A Gunslinger (battlemaster) from my mainguild says he does way less damage too.

Edited by Husofanten
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My experience is the closer you get to 49 the lower damage you do because bolster helps less and gear starts to matter a lot more. I think 10-18 was the highest damage I did per normal hit and then around 45-49 it picked back up to the same levels. Getting into the mid 30s on my sniper and it appears my damage is normalizing now too.


Of the pvpers I talk to it is kinda the general concensus of how it works. Could be different for some people.

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Due to changes to the Sniper skill trees, Snipers have had their skill points refunded.

Shatter Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds.


Imperial Assassin is now a 3-point skill that provides the same overall effect.

Siege Bunker is a new 2-point skill located in Tier 6 of the skill tree that reduces damage taken from area attacks by 60% while Entrench is active. This change allows the Marksman to remain in cover more often in situations that force other classes to rapidly change locations.

Snap Shot's tooltip now correctly mentions that its effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. Functionality has not changed.

Sniper Volley has been redesigned. It now triggers from dealing damage with rifles and increases Alacrity and Energy regeneration for 10 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.


Calculated Pursuit has been redesigned. It is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree and makes Overload Shot cost no energy for 6 seconds after leaving cover.

EMP Discharge's range has been increased to 60 meters.

Plasma Probe has been improved. It has new visual effects and now deals more of its damage in the first few seconds and snares affected targets. If the initial hit strikes a target affected by your Interrogation Probe, that target is stunned for 2 seconds.

Stroke of Genius is now located in Tier 2 of the skill tree.

Interrogation Probe's cooldown now resets if a target is defeated while under its effects.

Lethality (Sniper)

Corrosive Microbes now functions correctly.

Cull now costs 25 Energy (down from 30). The weapon damage component of this ability has been reduced by approximately 15%, but poison damage remains unchanged.

Hold Your Ground's cooldown reduction for Cover Pulse has been reduced to 2.5 seconds per point.

Lethality now increases critical chance by 1% per point.

Razor Edge now increases Shiv's damage by 4% per point.

Razor Rounds now increases the critical chance of Cull and Series of Shots by 4% per point.

Targeted Demolition now correctly requires Corrosive Grenade.

Weakening Blast no longer has an Energy cost.

Lingering Toxins is a new Tier 6 skill that reduces damage taken from periodic effects and gives Corrosive Dart and Corrosive Grenade a chance to apply a weaker version of the same effect when they end (even if they are cleansed).

Vanish has been replaced by Hold Your Ground, which now additionally reduces the cooldown of Escape.


Sniper only got buffs so stop complaining

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My experience is the closer you get to 49 the lower damage you do because bolster helps less and gear starts to matter a lot more. I think 10-18 was the highest damage I did per normal hit and then around 45-49 it picked back up to the same levels. Getting into the mid 30s on my sniper and it appears my damage is normalizing now too.


Of the pvpers I talk to it is kinda the general concensus of how it works. Could be different for some people.


not true. when i was in the 30's i hit just as hard as i did sub 20. ambush can still get close to 4k. followthrough is still 3500+ (yeah, i know i didn't have this sub 20). you just need to keep consistent with your gear/mods/armoring/enhancements. i'm 48 now, and my damage has stayed consistent thoughout. make sure you get a new barrel for your gun, or get a gun that's relevant to your level. since they nerfed the xp and credits you get from doing warzones, i've been pve'ing more. getting commendations and buying all the modifications for my lvl 40 pvp armor.


since the patch, i've consistently lead every wz in damage done. that doesn't mean a whole lot, but i can say that i don't feel like i'm doing less damage.

Edited by Soull
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snipers just rule at under 40 wz... our burst is just on a shock and awe lvl

as you progress you will find that others die harder because of better defences and biger health pools.

when you hit 50 you will find whatexactly is our roll in wz and were we are balanced... well when you are geared and you stop being sark bait :p

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what buff?


Reggie just listed them.


Trauma alone has made it nice for me. I can really pressure the healer who starts trying to heal themselve, and considering neither of us get help; they now eventually start losing the race and can't heal forever like they could before.

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Trauma alone has made it nice for me. I can really pressure the healer who starts trying to heal themselve, and considering neither of us get help; they now eventually start losing the race and can't heal forever like they could before.


I know right, loving the trauma. You know the healers are all mad about that though. Apparently it was balanced before when you could heal away 110% of the damage a pure dps is putting on you. There wasn't a ninja nerf. This my friends is what we call the placebo effect. Negative people always think change is a bad thing. When change happens, they automatically assume the worst so in their eyes yes, we are doing less damage. They are wrong but that doesn't stop them from coming here and whining. If you read all this then you in fact are literate and can go read the patch notes which i posted above.

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