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Xalek is broken?


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I decided I wanted to start taking Xalek with me on dailies instead of Khem. So I equipped him with a shield and absorbtion gear but he's not getting any absorbtion bonus. I have been searching around in the forums for a while and see a lot of people have complained about this. It appears to have been an issue since the beginning. However, the only answer I have been able to find is from way back in Feb., and it was vague, saying they were aware and working on a fix.


Can we please get an update on this? Is it a tooltip bug, or is Xalek actually bugged?


Thank You.

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It's a known issue. I've reported the bug few weeks ago and the Customer service told me that they are aware of this.


For now use khem, Anyway he use heavy armor instead of light and he is exact mirror of xalek when we compare their abilities.

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I first reported this same issue about 2 months ago. The bug has been ingame since launch and Bioware has yet to fix it or even say they plan to fix it. Basicly use Khem Val instead and make Xalek a crew skill runner, it appears to be what Bioware wants us to use him as.
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Xalek works fine with defense gear - we know shield/absorb isnt working properly. After getting Xalek, I completely quit using Khem and never had any issues with the remainder of the levelling process or even lvl 50 dailies. I've solo'd the end boss of the Old Enemies [Heroic 4] daily on belsavis with him tanking (took 15 mins, but we did it!). Xalek can make a fine tank if you know how to gear him - use defense gear wherever you can, not shield/defense.
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It's a known issue. I've reported the bug few weeks ago and the Customer service told me that they are aware of this.


For now use khem, Anyway he use heavy armor instead of light and he is exact mirror of xalek when we compare their abilities.


I used Khem the entire time I leveled to 50. I like Khem, but I would like to be able to use Xalek now, especially considering he's my "official" apprentice.

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I first reported this same issue about 2 months ago. The bug has been ingame since launch and Bioware has yet to fix it or even say they plan to fix it. Basicly use Khem Val instead and make Xalek a crew skill runner, it appears to be what Bioware wants us to use him as.


I don't understand why they haven't fixed this. Like I said, Xalek is part of my story, he's my apprentice, and I want to be able to use him. Hopefully they will fix this.

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Xalek works fine with defense gear - we know shield/absorb isnt working properly. After getting Xalek, I completely quit using Khem and never had any issues with the remainder of the levelling process or even lvl 50 dailies. I've solo'd the end boss of the Old Enemies [Heroic 4] daily on belsavis with him tanking (took 15 mins, but we did it!). Xalek can make a fine tank if you know how to gear him - use defense gear wherever you can, not shield/defense.


I took Xalek with me one day to do dailies. We got through them, but I did notice he is harder to keep alive than Khem. I understand I could use gear similar to Khem's, but he would still be behind as Khem benefits from absorbtion rating on top of everything else. Xalek should work as intended. As a tank, he should be able to use a shield and benefit from a high absorbtion rating. I shouldn't have to attempt to cobble him together with an odd (for him) assortment of gear because his unique defensive abilities are bugged. They need to fix this, it's ridiculous he's been like this since the beginning.


Great job on getting through "Old Enemies" by yourself. My wife and I barely got through it as a group, lol.

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I totally agree that he *should* benefit appropriately from shield and absorb. I like him alot as a character and the lore of being my real apprentice, and so I've worked around his inefficiencies. With endurance and defense only, he does work. It helps that I play a healing spec'd sorc, so keeping him alive is actually pretty easy for me. He seems to initiate combat, and establish threat faster than Khem ever did, which is why I powered through his bugginess. All that being said, I almost never pull him out anymore, as Ashara plows through mobs so fast that I really dont need a tank except for heroics.
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This bug has existed since before launch, it pisses me off that they keep messing with everything else in the game instead of fixing serious issues like this.


Not fixing bugs like this, not fixing project, and the terrible "balance" changes is why I canceled my sub. Too bad, this could have been a good game, but the dev team is incompetent.

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I totally agree that he *should* benefit appropriately from shield and absorb. I like him alot as a character and the lore of being my real apprentice, and so I've worked around his inefficiencies. With endurance and defense only, he does work. It helps that I play a healing spec'd sorc, so keeping him alive is actually pretty easy for me. He seems to initiate combat, and establish threat faster than Khem ever did, which is why I powered through his bugginess. All that being said, I almost never pull him out anymore, as Ashara plows through mobs so fast that I really dont need a tank except for heroics.


It's cool you found a way to kind of get him to work. He still needs to work as intended. Also, as a tank, Khem benefits from everything available; shield, absorbtion, defense, etc. Xalek can't, he's gimped. I'm sure I could spend some credits and make him a passable tank, but I shouldn't have to weight him heavily in one stat because his most important tanking stat is bugged. They need to fix this, asap.

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This bug has existed since before launch, it pisses me off that they keep messing with everything else in the game instead of fixing serious issues like this.


I agree. Reading through patch notes, I can't for the life of me see why some of the things that were fixed were a higher priority than this. You could suggest that maybe this is a hard fix, but I don't see how it could be.

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Not fixing bugs like this, not fixing project, and the terrible "balance" changes is why I canceled my sub. Too bad, this could have been a good game, but the dev team is incompetent.


I do love the game, so I'm not going to unsub or smear the devs. I know they are working hard. I just wish someone would update this. The silence is maddening.

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Bumping this.


Having your final companion broken is no fun.


Please fix! :)


I agree completely. This game is all about story and immersion and having you true apprentice broken to where you can't use him is unacceptable - especially when you consider it has been broken from beginning!

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They acknowledged awareness and stating intention of fixing this bug in Jan!!! :mad:


Yeah, people have been complaining about this since December, actually. I rarely come to the forums and I haven't ever slammed Bioware, in fact I have only said nice things about them in the past, but this is really getting annoying. Factor in the earpiece/implant slots for all companions STILL not working, even though they said it was fixed, along with the rest of the problems with the game that I have patiently defended and overlooked, and I'm really starting to lose my patience with Bioware. It's really annoying to play the game as it is with your companions bugged, and trying to do lvl 50 dailies as a sorc heals with Khem as tank and having to take off and re-equip three pieces of gear a hundred times a day is maddening! Xalek and the equipment slots need to be fixed right NOW. Not next week or in a "future" patch - whenever that may be. Now. :mad:

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