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Alternative solution to the grav round nerf.


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I would really appreciate a developer response on this.


I understand and fully support the rational behind the grav round nerf. However i think the way they went about it is far from the best solution.


This is (imo) the best way to deal with the problem mathematically and will make dps much more fun for commandos.


1. Increase grav round damage by 10% of what it was BEFORE 1.2 (please read the next line so you dont think im a troll)

2. For each grav vortex present on a target, it takes 5% less damage from grav round.

3. Demo round removes all grav vortices from the target.


This way, your first grav round is a nice solid nuke. (your target now has 2 vortices applied, assuming you followed through on the Gravity surge talent).


Your second grav round does 10% less damage, so it should be roughly equal to the original grav round damage. (your target has 4 vortices applied now).


Your third grav round does the current grav round damage. (Vortices are now maxed)


Subsequent grav rounds will do 25% less damage... making spamming it a ridiculous choice.


Instead you use demo round, wiping the vortices of the target and freeing you to start the rotation again.


Please share your thoughts on the matter, and again i'd love to hear a developers opinion.


Have a good one ;)

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I think an alternate solution would be to raise Charged Bolts back to pre 1.2 damage, keep Grav Round how it is now. Charged Bolts is weapon damage so suffers from inherently lower accuracy and crit chance, but we'd still have a nice hard filler nuke if we could manage to fit it in in between building charged barrel stacks, and Full Auto wouldn't be taken completely out of the picture either since CB can proc CoF still.



Also I'd REALLY like MV to go back to having an 8m radius, or have the cooldown lowered. I really like the new responsiveness and 6 ticks instead of 3 is just fine with me, but please push it back to 8m.

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I would really appreciate a developer response on this.


I understand and fully support the rational behind the grav round nerf. However i think the way they went about it is far from the best solution.


This is (imo) the best way to deal with the problem mathematically and will make dps much more fun for commandos.


1. Increase grav round damage by 10% of what it was BEFORE 1.2 (please read the next line so you dont think im a troll)

2. For each grav vortex present on a target, it takes 5% less damage from grav round.

3. Demo round removes all grav vortices from the target.


This way, your first grav round is a nice solid nuke. (your target now has 2 vortices applied, assuming you followed through on the Gravity surge talent).


Your second grav round does 10% less damage, so it should be roughly equal to the original grav round damage. (your target has 4 vortices applied now).


Your third grav round does the current grav round damage. (Vortices are now maxed)


Subsequent grav rounds will do 25% less damage... making spamming it a ridiculous choice.


Instead you use demo round, wiping the vortices of the target and freeing you to start the rotation again.


Please share your thoughts on the matter, and again i'd love to hear a developers opinion.


Have a good one ;)


PVE DPS would suffer, this game isnt all about pvp. Good chat.

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The idea of having Demo Round consume the Gravity Vortex debuffs is, with all due respect, insane. Gravity Vortex boosts the damage all your attacks do as well as the attacks of anyone else hitting the target. So, you fire your three Grav Rounds to stack three Gravity Vortexes, you fire Demo Round because Curtain of Fire has not proc'ed, and you now have no debuff on the target, so when your next Grav Round hits the target and procs Curtain of Fire, your subsequent Full Auto is now hitting a target with an 8% rather than 20% armor debuff. This will require you to either waste some of the Full Auto damage on a partially debuffed target, or wait two more Grav Rounds to fully debuff the target, the second of which could proc another Curtain of Fire, wasting the first one.


Likewise, you fire your three Grav Rounds and then your Demo round, you are now at 0 armor debuffs with three stacks of Charged Barrels. You fire Grav Round two more times to fully buff High Impact Bolt, but the target is not fully debuffed, so you have to wait another Grav Round before using High Impact Bolt. But firing another Grav Round means that your Grav Round is going to do 20% less damage (twice the size of the nerf) because you have 4 Gravity Vortexes on it at this point (4 * 5% = 20%). Kind of pointless to take a 20% hit to Grav Round to get a 6% buff to High Impact Bolt. Since what Grav Round did before the change is not an issue at that point, you are still looking at choosing between 20% less Grav Round to gain 6% more High Impact Bolt. It just would not be worth the next Grav Round.


Additionally, Demo Round is on a 15 second cooldown, which is 10 global cooldowns, and you need Grav Rounds to proc Curtain of Fire and to buff Charge Barrel. Charge Bolts can proc Curtain of Fire, but not Charged Barrel. So that means, whether you want to or not, you are going to have to cast Grav Round with a 25% debuff from your scheme numerous times while waiting for Demo Round to cooldown.


No thanks.

Edited by Sotaudi
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