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Another proof of Bioware attention to detail.


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Have you ever wondered about the rather unique architecture of Hutt palaces ?


This is based in Lore (one reference in the book leading to the Clone Wars CG show) : Hutt palaces are heavy on ramps and smooth stone, because Hutts are gasteropods and move better on such surface.


The fine lines on the ground you see ? It's a not-so official reference to another point: it's basically for measuring a Hutt size.


You might be aghast of this as a Human male, but for Hutts, size does matter. Their body size. A Hutt goal in life is to be the largest Hutt possible: the marks on the floor are (apparently) to show to visiting other Hutts about how big your daddy was.

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Awesome. Thanks For the history lesson. Now I'll have to go back and check it out.


You might be aghast of this as a Human male, but for Hutts, size does matter. Their body size. A Hutt goal in life is to be the largest Hutt possible: the marks on the floor are (apparently) to show to visiting other Hutts about how big your daddy was.


Sounds like Alabama.

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