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The Problem of the Sith Empire


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"I am Gen'dai. My people had done nothing to your Empire when they set upon us. They tore our world apart, slaughtered our children, or sold them as slaves. In fact, every species here has suffered an unprovoked attack by your Empire."


The Empire is worse than the Republic.


Then I showed him that Empire got mercy.

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You're the player character. You don't count. And besides, it doesn't change what happened.


You will receive a mail of some imperial official about those guys went away and put their weapon down.


That's the path the Empire should go, show mercy when it could bring benefit rather than "I'm gonna enslave, bully and kill you all!!!"

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You will receive a mail of some imperial official about those guys went away and put their weapon down.


That's the path the Empire should go, show mercy when it could bring benefit rather than "I'm gonna enslave, bully and kill you all!!!"


Sure, it's the path they should go. But they don't. It's dominating, enslaving and killing is like the Sith prime directive.

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Sure, it's the path they should go. But they don't. It's dominating, enslaving and killing is like the Sith prime directive.


Yeah, as long as the Sith lead this empire, it could only end up like ALL the Sith organizations.


That's the smartest point the Jedi got compare to the Sith, if they lead the republic it won't be better.

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Let's not forget, the Republic might claim to represent the Will of the People, but only if the people support the Republic. Your people signed some treaty 10,000 years ago submitting you to a foreign power, and now you want to rule yourselves? Tough luck, sucker, the freedom-loving Republic doesn't put up with any of that nonsense. You can check in any time you want, but you can never leave.


They essentially view themselves as the legitimate government of the entire galaxy, exactly like the Empire. If you're not in the Republic you're A) a criminal-run cesspit, B) too primitive for anyone to care about, or C) an enemy of the state. There is no truly independent, coequal ally of the Republic.

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So then 75% of the people playing this game are doomed...


If the weak will wither away, why is so much time spent "weeding out the weak" in the Empire? Natural Selection ain't that natural if they have to actively killed them off...


Yes, thank god it's only a game. :p

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Comparing the Sith and the Jedi is like comparing House League and Rep. The Jedi are accepting and kind to a fault, while the Sith embrace the harsh truth: Competence needs to be established for a society to succeed.


man you totally miss the concept of Enlightenment ...

thats the way of ruling a society ... where everyone gets the same changes


the empire is like the U.S. and the republic like the EU ... deal with it

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After played 2 classes on the Empire side and finished the main quest line of the planets, I really think Sith' way is not good to lead a nation, even an empire.


The Sith care too much about their own and love to bully others. They are the enemy of the Republic and the Jedi, unfriendly to many neutral factions. Even inside the Empire, you can see so many Sith use their force choke/lightning to bully/kill Imperial non force sensitives.

As for powerful non force sensitives in the empire, they use brain wash code. In the end of the IA story, even the Minister of the Intelligence said something about understood the Star Cabal's goal.



While they treat most of the non Sith badly, it's not worse than how they treat each other. Treachery is the way of the Sith, never stop betray and kill each other. And that's pretty much why every Sith organization fall. Both SI and SW's story showed a lot about it.

Even high rank members like Malgus, Jadus and Baras betrayed the Empire in different ways.

I'm sure that if the empire fall, the treachery between the Sith themselves and the inner conflicts between Sith and non force sensitives will serve as big factors.


The reason Sidious could succeed is that in the prequel, he was more of a politician rather than a Sith. Plagueis is similar. Just like EP III's novel said, the Sith had remade themselves. Of course he could not avoid the flaw of the Sith, after he became the Emperor even Anakin (in EP III novel) said he would become the most hated man in the galaxy and let many people unite together to take him down.


Of course, the Jedi's way is also terrible to lead a nation, but they mostly ally with the Republic and let the politicians rule the nation.


excuse me if the sith were that flawed and would overthrown by imperials at anytime then how come they still in control of the empire and ruled over it for 1400 years?

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The Empire collapsed both in the past and the future of the game in order to reinvent itself. In the game's iteration, not all Sith are inherently evil, depending on player choices but the same can be said about NPC Sith.

Malgus was definitely trying to address the faults in the structure. Too bad he was on the wrong end of my lightsaber.


There's one of the SI dialogs with Ashara where the player pretty much exposes her different ways of leading the Empire. One of them is summed up by bringing peace to the galaxy and restoring order regardless of the cost: efficiency before morale.


Not all Sith, NPC included, kill everyone on a whim. Coercion and bullying are sometimes just as effective. When it's applied, it is sometimes in order to fit with the greater agenda of having a galaxy free of any conflict or corruption. Or maybe, just for the fun of it. Force shock hardly gets old :)


Anyway Evil will triumph. Because Good is dumb.

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The Empire collapsed both in the past and the future of the game in order to reinvent itself. In the game's iteration, not all Sith are inherently evil, depending on player choices but the same can be said about NPC Sith.

Malgus was definitely trying to address the faults in the structure. Too bad he was on the wrong end of my lightsaber.


There's one of the SI dialogs with Ashara where the player pretty much exposes her different ways of leading the Empire. One of them is summed up by bringing peace to the galaxy and restoring order regardless of the cost: efficiency before morale.


Not all Sith, NPC included, kill everyone on a whim. Coercion and bullying are sometimes just as effective. When it's applied, it is sometimes in order to fit with the greater agenda of having a galaxy free of any conflict or corruption. Or maybe, just for the fun of it. Force shock hardly gets old :)


Anyway Evil will triumph. Because Good is dumb.


Before you believe Malgus' words, remember how did he treat his wounded master?:rolleyes:


Not all of them are like that but the majority are, the Emperor even wanted to devour all. Bully sometimes are useful but the Sith use them too much.

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thats the problem ... jedis or republic arnt good or evil

they just give every member of there society the same rights

everything is allowed that helps everyone in general and

doesnt benefits one individual over an other ... everyone

has the same right to live and prosper ...



while the sith and the empire is evil by its own definition ...

everything is allowed and legit as long as I see a personal

benefit from it ... only the strongest survives ... not everyone

has a right to live ...



being moraly good isnt dump, its just way more difficult

and demands selfcontrol and snsibility ... thats why evil

people think being good is dump ... but thats only part

of there own evilness ...

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excuse me if the sith were that flawed and would overthrown by imperials at anytime then how come they still in control of the empire and ruled over it for 1400 years?

I suspect that it is the non-force sensitive leaders, like the moffs and governers, that keep the Empire running smoothly.

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thats the problem ... jedis or republic arnt good or evil

they just give every member of there society the same rights

everything is allowed that helps everyone in general and

doesnt benefits one individual over an other ... everyone

has the same right to live and prosper ...



while the sith and the empire is evil by its own definition ...

everything is allowed and legit as long as I see a personal

benefit from it ... only the strongest survives ... not everyone

has a right to live ...



being moraly good isnt dump, its just way more difficult

and demands selfcontrol and snsibility ... thats why evil

people think being good is dump ... but thats only part

of there own evilness ...


If the Jedi run the republic, it's gonna be as horrible as the Sith run the Empire, in a different way.

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I suspect that it is the non-force sensitive leaders, like the moffs and governers, that keep the Empire running smoothly.

As best they can, certainly - until some sith decides that they would make a useful pawn.


Personally I prefer the Empire to the Republic, because at least they don't pretend to be what they are not.

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I suspect that it is the non-force sensitive leaders, like the moffs and governers, that keep the Empire running smoothly.


not really the imperial moffs are just bloodthirsty as their sith masters did you not play black talon or bounty hunter to see imperial are just as vile as sith.

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not really the imperial moffs are just bloodthirsty as their sith masters did you not play black talon or bounty hunter to see imperial are just as vile as sith.

Some are as nasty as the Sith, but others are just normal people doing their jobs running the Empire.


That aside, what I meant to convey was the Sith aren't interested in the small and mundane, yet essential details that need to be taken care of to keep everything running smoothly. The Sith Empire's infrastructure is built not upon the scheming Sith at the top, but upon the non force-sensitives who take care of all the boring yet important details every day.

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Wut? That seems a bit contradictory. It's one group that has an over-inflated sense of worth oppressing another group. Don't know how well a couple thousand sith would stand up against the might of the Imperial military or a popular rebellion for that matter.


No. Let's not get into the definition of evil here, but promoting those that CAN do the job and rejecting those who CAN'T is just being rational, albeit cold.


Wat? Jedi are in opposition to competent leadership? If you ask me, killing military officers on a whim is a pretty clear sign of incompetence, or insanity at the very least.


Would you be more motivated to do well if death was the penalty for failure, or a pat on the back was the penalty for failure? Enough said


Wut? Corrupt politicians stand-out in the Republic. They're met with scorn from both your companions and extra-characters. Overall, however, the Republic strives for an ethical democracy. Corruption and unethical behavior is the reason for the season in the Empire.


Sorry, but that's just flat out wrong. On Coruscant, the CAPITAL of the Republic, 60% of the quest givers affiliated with the Republic are corrupt. And that's being generous.


Wat? The sith are worse than a Saturday morning cartoon villain. They're comically evil, and all their schemes are so convoluted and unnecessary as to make Dr. Evil blush. I'm still waiting to run into a class story where the sith attempt to destroy the republic with frickin laser beams attached to a sharks head.


*Sigh* Misconception that sadly is spread too much among Star Wars fans. Sith aren't evil for the sake of evil. They're individuals who believe in a set of ideals that are important enough to the security of the galaxy in their opinion lose civilian lives. Read the Darth Bane trilogy and the Legacy of the Force series. They explain it much better than me.


I apologize for the nerd rage, but the Sith Empire is just so cartoony to me. Less to do with factional loyalty, and more to do with terrible backstory.


Answers in red.

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If we go by what Pre Vizsla said in The Clone Wars, the "Old Republic" and the Galactic Republic of the New Sith Wars and Clone Wars may not be the same entity either.


It's not. The Republic was basically remade after Ruusan, along with the Jedi Order. That's what Palpatine's 'Republic of a thousand years' speech was about. If you looked at generalized history across the galaxy by Prequel era the Tales of the Jedi/Sith Wars Republic would probably be an earlier, less fortunate iteration.


The Republic in the game is the same one that fought in the Great Hyperspace War and all the other old republic era EU stories. Continuous wars with the Sith weaken it to the point where it finally collapses from sheer exhaustion. Though that's a better fate than the Sith, who basically cease to become a de facto galactic power in any way and continue on only very remotely as the tenents of Bane's order.


But then again, that is a fitting fate for the Sith, considering their code. They strove and lost, ultimately. Their stated existence was always about the struggle. Without triumph further life is pointless, and that's how it played out for them.

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Answers in red.


So are you actually suggesting that executing subordinates for failure is a totally reasonable and not at all cartoonishly insane practice?


Also, 60% of quest givers? I think you're going to have to name them.


The sith ideal is the pursuit of power at all costs. Not security. The idea is that all beings must always be in conflict to thrive.


"I believe we must spread the ways of the Sith to the empire entire. Plant terror and hatred in every heart. I believe in the democratization of fear."


That's a straight from a member of the Empire's ruling body. I honestly don't think it would be easy to write a more obviously evil philosophy if one tried. Meanwhile the Republic has a corrupt Senator who dealt with criminals in order to help rebuild damage from the war faster. The problems on each world are not anywhere near comparable.


But that doesn't even matter really. Even if the Sith have a reason for being evil other than being cartoon villains, at the end of the day they are still evil villains.

Edited by OldVengeance
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"I believe we must spread the ways of the Sith to the empire entire. Plant terror and hatred in every heart. I believe in the democratization of fear."


That's a straight from a member of the Empire's ruling body. I honestly don't think it would be easy to write a more obviously evil philosophy if one tried.


Spoiler for IA storyline:

To be fair, he was a monster, and you know, an actual villain in the storyline in which he was relevant - not just some random member of the Dark Council, so it's not really fair to treat him as representative.



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So are you actually suggesting that executing subordinates for failure is a totally reasonable and not at all cartoonishly insane practice?


Also, 60% of quest givers? I think you're going to have to name them.


The sith ideal is the pursuit of power at all costs. Not security. The idea is that all beings must always be in conflict to thrive.


"I believe we must spread the ways of the Sith to the empire entire. Plant terror and hatred in every heart. I believe in the democratization of fear."


That's a straight from a member of the Empire's ruling body. I honestly don't think it would be easy to write a more obviously evil philosophy if one tried. Meanwhile the Republic has a corrupt Senator who dealt with criminals in order to help rebuild damage from the war faster. The problems on each world are not anywhere near comparable.


But that doesn't even matter really. Even if the Sith have a reason for being evil other than being cartoon villains, at the end of the day they are still evil villains.


Your last sentence is the entire point of my argument, which sadly you're not getting.


If it's 'evil' to satisfy a worthwhile goal, then it's not evil. It's called the ends justify the means. Ever heard of that concept?


Like a I said, don't listen to me, read the Darth Bane trilogy and the Legacy of the Force series. Most of the Sith in this game that are comically evil for the sake of it aren't following the Sith code. Have you played the SI storyline? Xalek is an example of savage evil for the sake of it. Again, read the books I mentioned. A lot of your points are based on sad misconceptions of the Sith code.

Edited by SWFTW
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