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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can tactics hold its own against assault now in pvp? General questions.


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We should start a pool. What gets fixed first. PG Slow (since 1.2), or Ion Damage (since beta). :(


I think they lost the code for PG or something. It's been bugged since beta. Even the tooltip gives the bugged description.

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I dabbled in this spec a bit before 1.2, in preparation, and I was underwhelmed by it. I ended up sticking to the good old assault spec, but I became disenchanted by the lack of mobility, and heavy use of ammo. Tactics is my dream come true, it is an AMAZING spec, and as the name implies, it is INCREDIBLY tactical. Hold the line is probably my favorite ability in the game, the resistance to movement prohibiting effects, including knockbacks, is almost overpowered when used properly. I really enjoy the sustained damage/burst available through tactics spec. It took some getting used to at first, but once you master specific ability priorities you can very easily set up burst and very rarely run out of ammo. I love this spec, and it elevated Vanguard to my favorite class. I can not play a Vanguard without this spec anymore, I hope they don't change it. The NORSE build that was posted is amazing, much better than the alternative in my opinion. Try it out guys, it's a really great spec in PVP once you learn how to use it.



I appreciate the love of Norse, and I am always excited with the feedback and the coolest thing in the world is to see and hear someone who plays it.

Edited by TheOpf
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The days that senti/mara+shadow/assassin are fotm there is a huge tactical advantage to been able to kite and still dish out tons of damage the way assault does, although you get extra movement from tactics its not as good against them.
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The days that senti/mara+shadow/assassin are fotm there is a huge tactical advantage to been able to kite and still dish out tons of damage the way assault does, although you get extra movement from tactics its not as good against them.


Tactics is amazing against other melee classes. Hold the Line is 8 seconds of them not being able to reach you (unless they're a competent marauder and pop the speed boost, which they never do).

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