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Need serious help from PVP sages


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Hello Everyone,

I'm one of the very very very few healing PVP sage left after 1.2 (at least on my server).

I'm not gonna go trough what the patch did to us and how destroyed our class in pvp, instead, before unsubbing due to frustration and incompetence from Bioware (i tough blizzard were bad...i must recant) i'm despereately asking you what i can do now in PVP.

My problems are:

1) getting 4 shotted by DPS classes in GCD with no way to do anything

2) being able to heal (i'm a healer after all)

3) last more than 5-7 secs if a dps class is on me.


I'm rank 76 and im full bm equipped, 1113 expertise.


Thanks in advance to anyone that could help me...

Edited by Tonhl
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There isn't anything much you can do. In the current diminished healing state..with as many cc/interrupt options as there are and with heightened dps levels..there really isn't anything you can do. If you get lucky and Q up against a team that is lacking in gear/skill you may have a chance. Otherwise, join most of the other sages in boycotting PVP and focus on PVE content or just take a break and hope they fix the game.
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There isn't anything much you can do. In the current diminished healing state..with as many cc/interrupt options as there are and with heightened dps levels..there really isn't anything you can do. If you get lucky and Q up against a team that is lacking in gear/skill you may have a chance. Otherwise, join most of the other sages in boycotting PVP and focus on PVE content or just take a break and hope they fix the game.


Well that is helping my willing to unsub.

But is there anycne that is at least tryng to?

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i have a 50 sage on the pits server and i play seer spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGMRMdMdGzZf00MZoM.1 ...its a good spec. now i dont play on your server but if you dont have friends with u for pvp dont make the mistake of standing off to the side where you could been seen easy and be a easy target for stealthers or anyone los if you are not doing so,and if you have to stand in the middle and use your aoe heals and hope for the best..best of luck,but here is a good dps spec for pvp also if you would like it http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hZf00MZcMfRsrkMfz.1 have fun in what ever you decide to do!
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I don't have any more problems on my healer Sage than I do on my Sentinel in PvP. Which is to say, if there's enough of a disparity in skill or gear levels between the two teams, then things aren't fun (you're either steamrolling or being steamrolled).


If your team is not garbage, you will be getting Guard, and people will try to peel for you. More so in premades, obviously. Healers don't melt with Guard. But you can't heal through as much as you could before. Standing in the middle of the pack with your tank won't work anymore, there's just too much damage. Move around a lot, use cc whenever it's available.


If you've got a bunch of DPS on you, you will die now for certain. Kite and LOS always. You'll still die if they want to kill you, but being annoying to catch is better and gives your team time to get them off you. Single DPS can also kill you, but that should take a while. Slow, Stun, Lift, Force Speed, Knockback. Use 'em all, they are your defensive cooldowns. And not only yours, they reduce damage to your side, which allows you to heal less, which...


I feel like I'm starting to repeat myself, so... just be moving. Always. If someone notices you healing, you shouldn't be in the same spot a GCD or two later when they look for you again having finished their current target.


Also, I run with the two piece PvE set bonus. With deliverance how it is now, I want healing trance available as much as possible. I think I'll be able to put BM armorings into the Columi set and keep the PvE bonus while still maximizing expertise, but I haven't got BM chest/legs.

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1. always que with a group and at least 1 tank that can gaurd and taunt.

2. save your force stun and use it on them damn dps classes (over powered and going to ruin this game)

3. everyone can mark in wz now. at the begining mark yourself with the sheild.

4. ALWAYS have an out. make sure you are in positing to line of site and give your team a chance to save you. If your standing in the open and someone comes out of hide and 3-4 shots you that is your fault.

5. when getting attacked use rescue to pull a tank or dps to you. Sometimes they take the hint and other times the just force leep away lol.

6. use hp pots to give your team a chance to help. REMEMBER you are very fragile now and solo que will do nothing but force you to hit your unsub button.

7. when you dont have a group to que with pve. end game gear consists of pve mods ect. the curse that all pvpers have to deal with.

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- Go into heavy Control spec. Examples:

Healing hybrid: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hGrRMd0zZfobrzRbZ0M.1

DPS hybrid: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600ZbsMrdRroZcMdRsMz.1

- Pick targets at the sides of combat zone, never run into the fray like sentinels do.

- Kite. Always move. When losing health, hide behind some obstacle.

- When focused, retreat as far as possible, even if it means leaving combat zone. If dudes follow you, all the better - your teammates would probably have easier time planting bomb/capping turret.

- Make rakata fortitude stim.

- Use +72 or better relics instead of warzone ones.

- Ask for Guard...


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Aoe root is virtually required now, as is either bubble pop mez or reduced sprint cd.


Always prebubble. Always. Always always. Prebubble everyone, all the time. This will help give you leeway to keep people up.


beg for guard.


Use your focus target, its decent now, shows castbars. Interrupting a tracer missle or heal on cooldown helps a lot.


healing trance, when casted on anyone other than yourself, does not use up conveyance.


Dont be afraid to yank people, and then aoe root the glowbatters who leap

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Whoa guys, since they fixed whatever was happening the first night of the patch healing has popped back up quite a bit, and with a few adjustments you should be able to pull similar numbers and still be very effective in pvp.


For me the big things that I had to adjust in 1.2 where:


-Much, much, much, much, much more kiting and LOS. Pre 1.2 it was possible to take that extra hit in order to pop someone back up, now we have to run away in order to ensure that we can stay in the fight, and this means letting someone die occasionally; this may go against the grain, but typically you will save more of your teammates/hold objectives longer by ensuring that you stay in WZ longer.


-Salvation is key, always have it up, and try to stand in it if possible so that you can use noble sacrifice. If you can't manage to stand in it you should be somewhere off to the side (try in the upper ring on ACW, or moving around the pillars/between doors on Void Star) and you should put down in an area that maximize the amount of allies it effects.


-Cross heal, work out a system with fellow healers to help keep you up when you need to regenerate force, obviously this works much better over voice chat.


-Healer/tank combo is not as useful as before and you won't be able to stand toe to toe with the enemy and keep yourself and your tank up. This was a problem against good groups before, now it's an issue against any group unless they totally suck or have no gear.


-Sometimes you need to switch to dps because it is more effective to kill the crazy over-powered dps than it is to out heal the crazy over-powered dps. Honestly, the best healers were using dots, snares, pushbacks, etc prior to 1.2, but with the changes in expertise there are plenty of times when you should throw a bubble/hot and then assist your dpsers in burning problematic opponents.


-Deliverance is almost useless as a part of your normal rotation, but under certain circumstances you can effectively work it in (2.2 second cast time for me) and it will help with force management. In general I would say stay away from using deliverance in most situation where you are the solo healer, but I have found that if I time it just right I can usually stay in a fight much longer than if I spam hot/benevolence/healing trance.


Healing is still very effective in PVP post 1.2, though I won't argue that is fun anymore. Our lack of resource management makes even small skirmishes an exercise in frustration, especially when combined with the changes to expertise and the general buffs to DPS; however, with proper adjustments to your play style you can still be successful in PVP, though I won't promise you that you will enjoy it.

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