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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

@New reward system...


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So 5 times today i've been qued for warzones sitting in que for 15 minutes at a time just to join a warzone with 2-3 minutes left on it, and i get NOTHING because i haven't gotten my 3 medals, this needs to be fixxed either by BioWare giving 3 free medals for late joiners, or by simply setting up a system so you cant join a warzone least theres 5 minutes left on the match.
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You would have figured with all that server down time they would have actually fixed some of that crap, as they noted yesterday the rewards for losing teams and late added members blows.


Instead this is what they did:


1.2.0b Patch Notes



An issue that prevented players from receiving the final Codex entry for the event has been corrected. Players that previously defeated Urtagh but did not receive the Codex entry and associated title will need to defeat the boss again in order to obtain it.


Tionese and Centurion gear have had their stats corrected to pre-update 1.2 values.


Good thing that will help keep the people from canceling their subs.... Not that I am that upset with everything however I want people to play with and dont want to sit in queue forever or have to back feel people bailing. The hard fought nail biting games where few and far between before now its good luck on even getting a close game due to people leaving.


The only close game I had was last Wed a 0-10 Alderaan loss where we started 2 people down and were 3 capped to come back and lose by 10. It is discouraging that BW doesnt recognize the issues and move immediately to remedy them.



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and guess what i've started up with another 5 warzones i join with 2 minutes left or behind 4-0 in huttball so i cant get a reward for those either....this is ridicoulous....i've wasted a total of 1 hour on this bs today alone
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