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Bagde rules ruining pvp Qs.


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Logging into a lot of pvp wz that are half or more over because of all the drops over the 3 badge rule. Fact my first pvp match today I logged into just as the other side won. 4 players did not have any badges. and of corse i had no chance to get any badge because it ended as i logged in. The rest had very little action on their scores. Leaving me to beleave they were caught in the same void as i was.



Thank you for this ruined game experiance wow what fun it is to have no fun at all. Cant wait to see how bad you mess up the next patch. Here looking forward to a huge fail again.



Oh and as far as that warnning goes. I really dont care. I am going to keep posting what i beleave to be true and if no one likes the way i word it to bad.


For bashers i really dont care what you think. you know they dropped the ball on this 1.2 magical patch and i am going to keep posting my complaints on it weather you like it or not.


And to all have a nice and pleasent day. If your eyes was harmed by my words then don't look.

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