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Silly PvEmo Rakghoul disease


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Dear BioWare,


Hi I'm a PvP'er who queues for warzones alone. I didn't killtrade in Ilum or play WZs 7 days a week prior to 1.2, so I started this patch wearing Champion gear. So, not only did you make the penalty for being in a pug having to operate at a loss most games, but now you're also extorting 2000 credits from me every 6 hours of play time for some vaccine or have to fight off mobs in every spaceport.


You.....do realize that the life blood of this game is PvP, right? So, why force this mandatory PvE nonsense down our throats on top of everything else? The average non-premade playing PvP'er is being made to feel like an unwanted disenfranchised commodity as it is. Why throw forcing us to PvE on top of it?

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Dude, casual PvP'ers get nothing now. If we use stims in losing WZs we operate at a loss. So yeah, BioWare forcing some PvEmo nonsense down our throats at a cost of 4k per 12 hours of play time is noticeable to us. Edited by Zilrota
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I thought it was more amusing when he was complaining about having to fight off 2 extremely weak mobs in the spaceport.


And funnier still that he'd actually rather pay 2k than just take 5 seconds to kill them.

Edited by Zilrota
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sounds like he got blown up as he was going to score in huttball lol


If you play pvp alone and nothing else, then you should have no issue at all with putting down 2k for 6 hours of not having to worry about this pve disease stuff... there is nothing that you have to buy as a pver that can be considered as "expensive".

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I thought it was more amusing when he was complaining about having to fight off 2 extremely weak mobs in the spaceport.


And funnier still that he'd actually rather pay 2k than just take 5 seconds to kill them.


No they are not hard to kill. It's more the principle of the matter. Make this event stuff optional. Give me a choice, I'm already one of the majority losing commendations/money every 3 out of 4 warzones, why kick me too?

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sounds like he got blown up as he was going to score in huttball lol


If you play pvp alone and nothing else, then you should have no issue at all with putting down 2k for 6 hours of not having to worry about this pve disease stuff... there is nothing that you have to buy as a pver that can be considered as "expensive".


It should also be noted that he could have just kept PvPing while infected, exploded on enemy players, and actually gotten the vaccines for FREE.


And credits on top of that.


Stop crying about nothing, imo. You're giving PvPers a bad name.

Edited by Varicite
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You will not ever get some people to admit the events in a mmo are not always fun for all. I for one dont like this event and it does irritate me when all the people trying to get the achivement are standing on the spawn point in a station, which happens to be by the bank and mailbox.


Why not just make the vaccine free so people dont have to deal with the BS event if they dont want to. Its not going to kill the fun of the crowd that wants to do it and has fun infecting each other over and over to get a color crystal or whatever they are after.


just saying dont force your fun on me because I may not find it as fun as you.

Edited by Mandaari
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How about this, if you're NOT a solo PvP'er, how about you stop posting in this thread? It has nothing at all to do with you.


Solo Q'er right here... and while i do some pve, i also leveled most of my characters via warzones.


what now?

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You will not ever get some people to admit the events in a mmo are not always fun for all. I for one dont like this event and it does irritate me when all the people trying to get the achivement are stading on the spawn point in a station.


Why not just make the vaccine free so people dont have to deal with the BS event if they dont want to. Its not going to kill the fun of the crowd that wants to do it and has fun infecting each other over and over to get a color crystal or whatever they are after.


just saying dont force your fun on me because I may not find it as fun as you.


^this^ Thanks for posting.

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^this^ Thanks for posting.


It should also be noted that he could have just kept PvPing while infected, exploded on enemy players, and actually gotten the vaccines for FREE.


And credits on top of that.


They are free...


You can get 5 every day for doing almost nothing. Is 30 hours a day not enough time w/out infection for you? lol.

Edited by Varicite
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They are free...


You can get 5 every day for doing almost nothing. Is 30 hours a day not enough time w/out infection for you? lol.


Why do i have to participate if i dont want to in the first place ? does my sub count for less than anyone elses ? Just as you have the right to play the event I also SHOULD have the right not to, or am I wrong to think that as a paying customer I have a right to my version of fun as well ?

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NO. I ONLY PVP. Did you get it that time?


But...that is PvP if you are fighting others trying to do the daylies...and you get a PvP crystal for doing it.....


If you wanna just sit on the fleet and twiddle your thumbs be my guest but don't come here and cry about it.

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They are free...


You can get 5 every day for doing almost nothing. Is 30 hours a day not enough time w/out infection for you? lol.


But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?


And as for the 2k not being an issue, get in a warzone late against a pre-made and don't manage to get the minimum 3 medals you get nothing... nada... zip.


Like myself, many people are leaving losing warzones so as not to waste time and resources. So a lot of the warzones you get into are like this. The tail end of a losing situation.

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