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With 1.2 which Tree gives the most for operations?


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With the showing of 1.2 and the changing of some abilities. I was wondering If there was any thoughts by others as to which tree might serve better for optimal dps in an operation setting. I was annihilation and moved to carnage but I find myself missing my bleed effects.
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With the showing of 1.2 and the changing of some abilities. I was wondering If there was any thoughts by others as to which tree might serve better for optimal dps in an operation setting. I was annihilation and moved to carnage but I find myself missing my bleed effects.


Annihilation. The sustained DPS will always beat out the burst of Carnage or Rage when it comes to boss fights.


The only time Carnage or Rage would shine would be for fights like Soa or the Heavy Fabricator where you have limited uptime on the boss. For fights like Bonethrasher or Garj? Annihilation all the way.

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As long as an Annihilation Marauder is using Ravage (double bonus points for Ravager talent, which everyone should have), they're going to be the top dog still, sadly.


Carnage has crazy burst, and it's even better with the changes to Ravage, but Juyo form adds a straight-up 10% damage buff that helps close the gap to Carnage's burst with the skill. Force Scream isn't that much stronger than Annihilate, and Annihilate is on a much shorter cooldown once Annihilator stacks are rolling.


Past that, it's the same old story. Bleeds add up for massive amounts of damage and keep ticking even when you're off the target temporarily, plus Berserk heals are great for utility and it's "free" healing that comes along as part and parcel of maximizing DPS.


I in no way discount that it's possibly an L2P issue on my side, but I cannot reliably keep my Carnage sustained DPS even close to on par with my Annihilation DPS, even if it does burst higher.

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Thanks for the perspectives. W did the first boss HM in EC last night and while carnage was fun i did miss my bleeds and old rotation. Moving to the second boss and rest of the raid tomorrow I think I will move back to annihilation simply because of the bleeds and a few other factors. While i found it easier to get in the groove as carnage with a rotation, I still believe the constant bleeds will top out. Do any of you know where there might be a think-tank on such? I need to start parsing my damage meters i suppose and work on it. And do the relics that cause bleed effects stack with my bleeds or counter act due to the "not more than every 4.5 seconds" deal?
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