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8,354 HeatSeeker Missile in PvP!


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You'd think so, but that's a damn lie. THEY HAVE BEEN EFFECTED. Proof is right here. I have 2 parses, a 10 minute one, from pre "fix" and n 8 minute one, I just did. Same gear. Look at the min, max and average for DEMO ROUND (aka HSM). Just look.






I dont know what else to say. A discrepency of 100-500 would be justifiable to RNG, 1200, now that has some explaining to do.


I do think the damage was nerfed on HSM from your own heat sigs also, forget adding in others. I am now criting for 4-5k WITH COOLDOWNS POPPEd. I think they broke something, hopefully it gets fixed. Unfortunately, TM raid debuff still makes us required to pve as arsenal.

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Welcome to hitting what pyro does with it's 31 point attack.


I thought it was totally whack for one spec to be able to do double the damage of the other with its 31 pointer.


Also slightly whack that a 24/7 ranged class could do even more damage from 30m away, safe from most attacks than a melee could when its not being mauled by aoes and knockbacks off the boss.

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Welcome to hitting what pyro does with it's 31 point attack.


I thought it was totally whack for one spec to be able to do double the damage of the other with its 31 pointer.


Also slightly whack that a 24/7 ranged class could do even more damage from 30m away, safe from most attacks than a melee could when its not being mauled by aoes and knockbacks off the boss.


sounds as if u are talking about PVE, in which case who cares? those big hits were needed to keep dps competitive with the tracer nerf. Right now, pyro is better pve dps then arsenal

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sounds as if u are talking about PVE, in which case who cares? those big hits were needed to keep dps competitive with the tracer nerf. Right now, pyro is better pve dps then arsenal




That's news to me because I'm clocking no higher than 1270dps as pyro, I'm looking at recent parses and seeing arsenal doing over 100dps more.

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Welcome to hitting what pyro does with it's 31 point attack.


I thought it was totally whack for one spec to be able to do double the damage of the other with its 31 pointer.


Also slightly whack that a 24/7 ranged class could do even more damage from 30m away, safe from most attacks than a melee could when its not being mauled by aoes and knockbacks off the boss.


Pyro's skills that proc Rail Shot are on a shorter cooldown than that of Merc's, making the Assault tree inherently stronger as a Pyro. Pyro's can cast nearly twice as many Rail Shots as a Merc can. Give us the ability to spam Rail Shot like that and I'd gladly take a nerf to Demo Round damage.


In any event, the real issue is that BW claimed that they were going to make Demo Round post 1.2 do more damage than it did pre 1.2 to make up for the Grav Round nerf. Now, Demo Round is doing less than it ever has. Is this intended? Is this a bug? Who knows. One things for sure, though. BW didn't do any testing on 1.2.0c before they rolled it out.

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Pyro's skills that proc Rail Shot are on a shorter cooldown than that of Merc's, making the Assault tree inherently stronger as a Pyro. Pyro's can cast nearly twice as many Rail Shots as a Merc can. Give us the ability to spam Rail Shot like that and I'd gladly take a nerf to Demo Round damage.


You are mixing up Pyro, Powertech, Assault and Gunnery.


I know what you mean but I'd stick to either imp or rep terms to save confusion.


1) No, a Powertech can't fire Railshot any faster than a Merc. Everyone has a 6s CD after every proc.


2) Merc has two skills to proc a free Railshot and only one has a CD. You can spam that if you want to.


So you already have all that you want.


Guess you can be glad that you took a nerf to HSM.

Edited by Gyronamics
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