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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BH 650+ damage any know the spec?


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SO a couple days ago I was in a series of WZs in which one BH consistantly topped the charts in damage.


300+ consistantly and a 650k in a Voidstar.




Ok so clearly he has good gear and mods..yadda yadda.


But WTH is that spec..any ideas?


Any BHs/Commandos who have done these types of numbers post 1.2 care to enlighten us whith your exact spec and what you focus on using/doing in combat?

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SO a couple days ago I was in a series of WZs in which one BH consistantly topped the charts in damage.


300+ consistantly and a 650k in a Voidstar.




Ok so clearly he has good gear and mods..yadda yadda.


But WTH is that spec..any ideas?


Any BHs/Commandos who have done these types of numbers post 1.2 care to enlighten us whith your exact spec and what you focus on using/doing in combat?


Spec Pyro

Wear Gear



No seriously, as trollish as that response is. It's the case when it comes to overall damage done...

Edited by exphryl
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Pyros can put out a lot of damage, but a lot of it is AoE and random "I threw one dot on 5 guys" damage that doesn't actually do anything useful.


edit - not saying pyros can't blow the crap out of people, but it's really easy for them to pad their numbers.

Edited by Mrip
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Yea apparently Pyro gives you the highest dmg numbers.


Also, that guy probably knew what he was doing and was a skilled player. Spec/Class/Gear isnt everything.


No doubt thus I also asked what they concentrate on using and doing.


Took me a couple weeks to learn how to get those numbers or better as a sage healer. (sage healing is not intuitive there are specific thing you must consentrate on doing to be be really good) I still get those numbers post 1.2 because 1.2 didnt nerf hardly anything that mattered to good sage healers in WZs. Plus we got some very nice power/alacrity mods vs using power/surge mods.

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I can pretty much also guarantee you that when he got that 650k damage he never died and received a lot of healing. Powertech is certainly not the only class that can do this, but they have to be facing a "bad" team that is also very active. When I've done this it is essentially just a firing line of red names to kill.


Remember in GTA: San Andreas when you were taking over territory and the gang members would just come at you in a single file line? Yeah, it's like that...

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Isn't it Arsenal Merc that's dishing out the "BIG HURT" heat-seeker missile? I've been seeing many screenshots of people getting killed by heatseeker missiles for > 8k damage, and I can only assume that much of the damage is a result of at least one full stack of tracer missile debuffs (but very possibly a result of multiple arsenal mercs applying multiple tracer missile debuff stacks upon the same target - which seems more likely). When I'm on my marauder and I have multiple tracer-missile spammers on my team, I can easily auto-attack any enemy that has two separate 5-stacks of tracer missile debuff to death in 3-4 normal attacks! Yes, I've noticed increased damage out of heatseeker missile since 1.2, but I've never seen an 8k+ hit from a single 5-stack of debuff.


And lets be honest: if anyone gets multiple 5-stacks of tracer/grav round debuffs, they are going to die with a quickness from pretty much anything - i.e. my sorcerer has done more than 2.5k damage with shock (yes, shock) on a vanguard with a single stack of tracer missile debuff. I can only imagine multiple stacks.

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I can pretty much also guarantee you that when he got that 650k damage he never died and received a lot of healing. Powertech is certainly not the only class that can do this, but they have to be facing a "bad" team that is also very active. When I've done this it is essentially just a firing line of red names to kill.


Remember in GTA: San Andreas when you were taking over territory and the gang members would just come at you in a single file line? Yeah, it's like that...


PT's and VG's have been performing much more powerfully than before, I'll admit to this, but the thread is about Mercenaries.

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Isn't it Arsenal Merc that's dishing out the "BIG HURT" heat-seeker missile? I've been seeing many screenshots of people getting killed by heatseeker missiles for > 8k damage, and I can only assume that much of the damage is a result of at least one full stack of tracer missile debuffs (but very possibly a result of multiple arsenal mercs applying multiple tracer missile debuff stacks upon the same target - which seems more likely). When I'm on my marauder and I have multiple tracer-missile spammers on my team, I can easily auto-attack any enemy that has two separate 5-stacks of tracer missile debuff to death in 3-4 normal attacks! Yes, I've noticed increased damage out of heatseeker missile since 1.2, but I've never seen an 8k+ hit from a single 5-stack of debuff.


And lets be honest: if anyone gets multiple 5-stacks of tracer/grav round debuffs, they are going to die with a quickness from pretty much anything - i.e. my sorcerer has done more than 2.5k damage with shock (yes, shock) on a vanguard with a single stack of tracer missile debuff. I can only imagine multiple stacks.


Powertech pyros pump out more damage and can survive much better (no interruptable abilities) than anything mercs can do. A merc pyro is very effective, but not to the level of PT Pyro (although a merc pyro can put out that damage if healed a lot). PT pyros proc combustible gas cylinder more and their railshot ignores 90% of armor (something pyro mercs cannot do).


If a merc arsenal is putting up those kind of numbers your team is full of morons. You have an interrupt right? Interrupt tracer, game over. Any class can destroy a merc arsenal 1v1. Pick them out, destroy them in no time, and move on. Only mercs don't get an interrupt, and even then I would take a pyro merc any day of the week over an arsenal merc in a warzone. Only when there is no LOS will an arsenal merc win, which is not often in warzones. Even then all a merc pyro has to do is stun for the first tracer, get on him, and knockback when he tries a second. That delays the arsenal's heavy hitters enough to burn him down.

Edited by McGarnagle
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Any class can destroy a merc arsenal 1v1. .


This is very true. Arsenal Mercs are extremely dangerous if left alone to nuke people (which can happen if they are with a good group), but absolutely horrid 1v1. When I'm tanking, I'll actually protect our arsenal merc as much as I will the healers. They are worth protecting, as they can dish out serious dps.

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