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Bioware Developers Guildleader Cant promote in 1.2 players to Officer Gm confirmed pl


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Bioware Developers Guildleader Cant promote in 1.2 players to Officer Rank, Petitioned this had 2 Game Gms try to do it manually on their end they could not even do it.


They confirmed what is eta of fix on this?


Also as the guild leader let me be clear was forced to reroll with my entire guild on fatman cause our rp-pvp server is dead, my guild is not happy about this, but was either that or quit.


Due to fact that you all like this patch was supposed to be prompised features at launch n closed beta, by 2 bioware legedary doctors and founders.


Back on topic, so untill we can have mergers and xfers, they let us all buy more character slots per server for xfers and legacy unlocking new races for alts, we had to reroll on new server.


Now old way you could as guildleader before 1.2 Promote them to officer offline or online once they were in guild, and didnt need to be grouped or in same zone.


I have tried as Same guild but we rerolled to new server to promote them as said above grouped, same zone online and offline and wont let Promote past Lietaunt rank please fix this, this is bad as slowly doing mergers and xfers when most my guild had 3-4 50s each and alot alts, max crafting, legacy levels from 20-45 it just dam annoying we had to reroll but with no LFD tool cross server and dead servers was only choice till they or quit have us as guild raid in another mmo like we have for last 12 years.


sorry for my bad english, its 5 language.



Edited by CritasStorm
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Please fix this issue for us guildleaders so we can promote them to officer many had to reroll due to reasons stated and our same guild on new server, cant make players that have been in my guild for last 10-12 years to officers rank that are officers, due to its broken atm as said 2 game gms came confirmed it.


Bioware what is eta on hotfix for this we dont wanna wait for next patch 30-60 days?

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Can any developer let us know what is going on with this issue?


and fix for guild leaders promoteing guildmates to officer as does not work in 1.2 currently grouped same zone, online or offline like it used, to as said even 2 Game Gms came tried to do it manually they could not fix it, either?

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