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Skeptical about Carnage


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I am only level 33.


I'm expecting it to get better at 50, hopefully but I'm slightly worried.


I was annihilation since the creation of my marauder. Self heals, decent damage, awesome mobility, it's heaven. However, I heard that carnage hits significantly harder, which it does, but you lose a huge amount of survivability.


Here's the thing, with annihilation, i've taken out 2 people at the same time with a healer in world pvp. I've been able to hold my own for a decent amount of time in a crowd of republic in warzones while potentially and usually downing the target I'm focusing on (especially healers, god it feels good to wreck them).


I specced to carnage, just to try it out since I heard it was way better then annihilation. I went into a huttball match and was like DAMN I hit hard, but I die RIDICULOUSLY fast. It's insane how fast I die. However, I typically can usually do kill my target 1 v 1, but other then that, if there's another person there, I'm screwed. Really, there is no getting out of it.


The problem here is, carnage doesn't seem very good at killing healers and tank specced classes (but it might be slightly better then anni against tanks since I've died to jedi shadow tanks many times before, but it was usually a really close battle). The damage is fantastic and ravage is ravaging, but is carnage really worth it? It's hard to sacrifice survivability, mobility and overall better utility in 1 v 1 and group situations just to get those high burst numbers.

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I am only level 33.


I'm expecting it to get better at 50, hopefully but I'm slightly worried.


I was annihilation since the creation of my marauder. Self heals, decent damage, awesome mobility, it's heaven. However, I heard that carnage hits significantly harder, which it does, but you lose a huge amount of survivability.


Here's the thing, with annihilation, i've taken out 2 people at the same time with a healer in world pvp. I've been able to hold my own for a decent amount of time in a crowd of republic in warzones while potentially and usually downing the target I'm focusing on (especially healers, god it feels good to wreck them).


I specced to carnage, just to try it out since I heard it was way better then annihilation. I went into a huttball match and was like DAMN I hit hard, but I die RIDICULOUSLY fast. It's insane how fast I die. However, I typically can usually do kill my target 1 v 1, but other then that, if there's another person there, I'm screwed. Really, there is no getting out of it.


The problem here is, carnage doesn't seem very good at killing healers and tank specced classes (but it might be slightly better then anni against tanks since I've died to jedi shadow tanks many times before, but it was usually a really close battle). The damage is fantastic and ravage is ravaging, but is carnage really worth it? It's hard to sacrifice survivability, mobility and overall better utility in 1 v 1 and group situations just to get those high burst numbers.


I wont lie, you are squishier without Anhilation, you cant really play a Carn Mara as a 2 on 1 toe to toe fighter against everyone. Its not that simple, you have to think of a Carnage Mara either like a Skrimasher/Harasser combatant or think of it like football as a line backer, you head hunt what you need to kill and bury.


You basically have the ability to kill soft targets (Sages/Sorcs) rather quickly, but if they have support and after you blow your alpha strike, you prolly cant finish them off. The other targets you harass and swat them down and use your mobility and attack at the same time. My favorite thing to to do is dance around the players and smack them with massacre (CD is instant and can be done on the run).


It gets better at level 40 when you get Massacre.


Massacre auto triggers an Ataru proc = guaranteed Scream crit.


Charge, Massacre, battering, Gore, Scream, Ravage kills people dead.


My rotation is slight different.


Charge > Gore > Ravage > Massacre x2 (usually run or KB at this point to evade) > Viscious Throw (to root them) or force charge (if KB is used), then Force Scream, (if still running) > Deadly Throw


I modify my roations depending who I fight and how they react to my assault. Like if its someone constantly running, I will use my minor dot to snare them.

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