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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Campaign Relic of Shield Amplification


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So I see some new relics on the dailies vendor. Anyone purchased one of these yet? I'm curious if the effect is worth the grind. On the surface, this seems like must-have shield-spec gear. Cost is 200 daily coms, and I think they can also be crafted.


Campaign Relic of Shield Amplification

Equip: Shielding an attack grants 405 Absorb Rating for 6 sec. 20 sec CD

I don't have the vendor up, but web shows this as +57 end and +41 power to boot.

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Noob question, how do relics work? randomly and automatically, or am I supposed to activate them my self when I want their effect?


Depends on the relics. Some are on use, others (like the Campaign and previous KP Relics) are passive bonuses.

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:wea_02:yeah i had just bought this 3 days ago and lemme say it is amazing! hands down BiS relic for shield heavy tanks (Power techs/Vanguards). It procs for 405 absorption every time you shield an attack with a 20 sec cd and the effect lasts for 6 sec. My PT has 41% shield rating and 43% absorb. when his 4 stacks of heat screen are up he has 51% absorb... when that bad boy fires off i get a whopping 19% absorption! so thats 69.85 almsot 70 % absoprtion. with the columi shield pop relic on top off all that i have 74% absorb. pretty insane stuff. I was a nearly unstoppable force in PvP with PvE gear and in my PvE spec (tanks are sweet like that ;-) ) but now with this little slice of ToR heaven i am THE UNSTOPPABLE BH tank! Cant wait to test it out in Explosive Conflict tonight! :wea_02:


Took me nearly a week of doing Black Hole, Belsavis, and Ilum to get this puppy but it is worth it. And it is an upgrade to the dropped one in KP HM/NM which offers 380 absorb ;)

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wanted to note that yes the effect only lasts for 6 seconds with a 20 sec cd. Keep in mind in a fight that might last up to 10 min (10 min for simple reference), if you are constantly tanking the boss with no downtime, you should be able to proc this effect at most 5 time a minute. that is to say in a 10 min fight while constantly getting hit with energy/kinetic dmg u are able to proc this 50 times. You can even think of it like having a relic that lasted for 300 seconds or 5 min. therefore you have just done half of a fight with 19% extra absorption. what a great relic.
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:wea_02:yeah i had just bought this 3 days ago and lemme say it is amazing! hands down BiS relic for shield heavy tanks (Power techs/Vanguards). It procs for 405 absorption every time you shield an attack with a 20 sec cd and the effect lasts for 6 sec. My PT has 41% shield rating and 43% absorb. when his 4 stacks of heat screen are up he has 51% absorb... when that bad boy fires off i get a whopping 19% absorption! so thats 69.85 almsot 70 % absoprtion. with the columi shield pop relic on top off all that i have 74% absorb. pretty insane stuff. I was a nearly unstoppable force in PvP with PvE gear and in my PvE spec (tanks are sweet like that ;-) ) but now with this little slice of ToR heaven i am THE UNSTOPPABLE BH tank! Cant wait to test it out in Explosive Conflict tonight! :wea_02:


Took me nearly a week of doing Black Hole, Belsavis, and Ilum to get this puppy but it is worth it. And it is an upgrade to the dropped one in KP HM/NM which offers 380 absorb ;)


I have the dropped KP HM relic and I have to say it's a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand it's a ton of absorb which is great so it makes your overall damage lower over the course of a fight. On the other hand, it procs whenever it wants to and the way HM EC works right now I'd almost rather have two on-use relics. I get trucked pretty hard by Toth and I was sitting at 42% base absorb when we fought him and I was rolling CDs almost the entire fight once it got going. Having a third CD available would have been nice at some points in the fight, and I'm positive this will be the case when we manage to down the tanks and Kephess. I use the proc relic and the HM Shield/Absorb on use relic although I may try switching the proc out for my Defense on use one just to see how it goes. Luckily pants dropped for me from the twins and I picked up some awesome boots from the chest right before we pulled the tanks so we'll see how I stand up to them this week.


Just wanted to add my opinion on the relic situation.

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wanted to note that yes the effect only lasts for 6 seconds with a 20 sec cd. Keep in mind in a fight that might last up to 10 min (10 min for simple reference), if you are constantly tanking the boss with no downtime, you should be able to proc this effect at most 5 time a minute. that is to say in a 10 min fight while constantly getting hit with energy/kinetic dmg u are able to proc this 50 times. You can even think of it like having a relic that lasted for 300 seconds or 5 min. therefore you have just done half of a fight with 19% extra absorption. what a great relic.


Your math is way off.


I'm not positive of the way that the CD is calculated, so we'll assume two scenarios:


a) CD starts counting down as soon as the relic procs (best case scenario). This means that you could get the proc every 20 seconds, so at most 3 times a minute. In your ideal 10-minute fight scenario that means you would have 30 procs of 6 seconds each, for 180 seconds or 3 total minutes. Hey, three minutes of 19% absorption isn't bad. The downside is that it may not occur exactly when you want it to do so.


b) CD starts counting down after the proc ends. This means you would have the proc every 26 seconds so in the 10-minute scenario you would get the proc 23 times. That's 138 seconds or 2 minutes and 18 seconds. Significantly less than the other scenario, and you are still subject to the whims of the RNG.


Keep in mind that both of these scenarios assume that you proc the relic immediately as it comes off CD (which won't always happen). Also no fight in this tier is going to last 10 minutes. You're probably looking at 6-minute fights for all of them so shave 40% off of each of the time estimations above.

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Your math is way off.


I'm not positive of the way that the CD is calculated, so we'll assume two scenarios:


a) CD starts counting down as soon as the relic procs (best case scenario). This means that you could get the proc every 20 seconds, so at most 3 times a minute. In your ideal 10-minute fight scenario that means you would have 30 procs of 6 seconds each, for 180 seconds or 3 total minutes. Hey, three minutes of 19% absorption isn't bad. The downside is that it may not occur exactly when you want it to do so.


b) CD starts counting down after the proc ends. This means you would have the proc every 26 seconds so in the 10-minute scenario you would get the proc 23 times. That's 138 seconds or 2 minutes and 18 seconds. Significantly less than the other scenario, and you are still subject to the whims of the RNG.


Keep in mind that both of these scenarios assume that you proc the relic immediately as it comes off CD (which won't always happen). Also no fight in this tier is going to last 10 minutes. You're probably looking at 6-minute fights for all of them so shave 40% off of each of the time estimations above.


ah yes my math was way off haha. my apologies it's late and im not thinking correctly. I was figuring 20 sec outta 100 sec for some reason when it shoulda been 60 sec per minute. anyhow i really wish you didnt say the rest of what you said cuz you are absolutely correct. and now i'm kinda sour about this whole thing. also very good point on the RNG scenario. it is nice to have and extra relic to pop as OH ***** buttons. I'll see how it all pans out later i suppose. As for the randomness of when it does proc, i gotta tell ya i have not actually timed it but it procs a lot more than i thought it would even on little trash mobs in black hole. as soon as the servers are up im hopping on , pullin up the stop watch app on my phone and running multiple trials to see what can be deduced. It is rather hard to tell what the internal CD is on it whether the countdown begins as soon as it procs or after the 6 sec activation dismisses.

Plan B if this doesn't work out like i want I'll snatch up the on use absorb relic from the vendors and wear it and the columi one to pop when needed. I don't see a hole lot of use for the defense CD for PT just cause we have so little defense to begin with and the most shielding out the other 2 tank archetypes. Keep in mind when you avoid and attack you are not going to vent heat as often seeings how in order to vent heat normally you have a 50% chance to vent 8 heat when you shield an attack. That's a situational downside to the defense CD yet the upside being you avoid the dmg all together rather just negating it. Let us know how that plays out for ya.

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I have 6 CDs i use. the one on-use relic, energy shield, oil spill, my Rakata Absorb Adrenal, Rakata Med pac, and kolto overload. Now i was for a good while using the columi on-use and the tionese on-use relics to pop when needed. with 7 of those cds i could keep cds up nearly a whole min give or take 7-15 sec due to bad user timing. that was really cool but impractical considering RNG and the fact that it's too much micro-managing when you have a ton of other things to be worried about.

It's too bad they nerfed med pacs to only allow them to be used once per fight. I used to start off a fight poppin the rakata pac for 15% hp increase and popped it every now and again during a fight hand-in-hand with kolto overload to give kolto overload a bit more healing potential.

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While I agree that the defense relic may be less valuable due to our already super-low defense numbers, I feel like I wanna give it a shot on a couple of our Zorn/Toth attempts this week. We downed them on Hard Sunday but it seemed like there was at least one point during every attempt where I was just hovering below 50% a lot. I feel like controlled CD usage might alleviate that a bit. I'll probably give it a go instead of the proc relic for our first couple attempts and see how it plays out. I just hate that we only have one good CD and one decent CD (along with a terrible self-heal). Other tanks seem to have a lot more tools at their disposal.
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tbh idk about the other tanks having more cds to thier disposal. I remember juggs and sins QQing over how PTs have better cds on the forums. But hey the grass is always greener on the other side is it not?


Our guild shadow tank laughs at me when I tell him about my survivability, and that's even after I re-enhanced all the crappy accuracy off for mitigation. He's still running around with accuracy all over his ****.

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