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Does Force Charge Immobilize work in pvp


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Probably a stupid question but I would like to know


Im thinking this spec for Anni



Yes, but if the Charge misses (e.g. leaping a tank or don't have 95% basic Acc/105% special Acc), the root is not applied.


Not taking 3/3 malice as an Anni spec is a really bad idea.


I tend to agree with this. Even with Berserk forcing crits on a goodly percentage of ticks (I'd guesstimate somewhere around 25% if used at every opportunity), since bleeds are Anni's single biggest source of damage, opportunities should not be missed to buff their damage.

Edited by Omophorus
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defensive roll is vastly superior to stagger


and the importance of malice is debatable, your crit rate on bleeds is already close to 50%, then factor in berserk, and that 6% more from malice isnt as beneficial as it seems


i run a 33/8/0 annihilation build, when i play annihilation

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defensive roll is vastly superior to stagger


and the importance of malice is debatable, your crit rate on bleeds is already close to 50%, then factor in berserk, and that 6% more from malice isnt as beneficial as it seems


i run a 33/8/0 annihilation build, when i play annihilation


For either PVP or PVE, I couldn't see myself putting more than 31 points in Annihilation. Seeping Wound is fairly lame for PVE (except making it easier to use Savage Kick on weak targets), and Enraged Charge I find to be less useful in PVP since there's rarely ever a case where one can actually utilize a "perfect" PVE opening. In no case would I personally talent up Cloak of Annihilation or Phantom.


Narrowed Hatred I could see an argument for in PVE, depending on availability of extra mods to customize PVE gear (e.g. ditch even more Acc that comes on PVE gear for Pow/Crit/Surge), but can't imagine having in a PVP spec. Defensive Roll heck yes for PVE, definitely useful though not essential for PVP (depends on server... relatively few AoE spammers on Ebon Hawk, and I try to stay out of the worst of it to kill healers).


Ravager I'd almost consider table stakes for any build unless they go back and make changes to Ravage. It's just too good not to use.


So depending on the spec and intended use, Malice can absolutely be in the picture, and it's not a bad choice at all for pure DPS reasons. With Ravage added to regular use as Anni, I find myself rarely rage-starved in PVP, so I'd take it over putting any points in Narrowed Hatred, Cloak of Carnage, or Enraged Charge. For PVE I'd probably have 1 point in it if actively doing HM/NM Ops or HM Lost Island (31/7/3), and otherwise take the points out of Defensive Roll and go 3/3 (31/5/5).


Edit: So in the strictest sense, I do go back on my earlier agreement that not-going 3/3 is a bad idea, but I do think it remains a useful talent specifically for increasing bleed damage, provided there isn't a compelling reason (e.g. -30% AoE damage, when doing encounters that are AoE heavy) not to.

Edited by Omophorus
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For what purpose? PVP? PVE?


Aside from taking Phantom over Empowerment, that looks like an entirely viable DPS-focused PVP spec, especially for healer humping.


Phantom is the one talent in the tree I would never take... it's not that useful for PVE, and the only real value it has in PVP is to increase the odds of escaping LOS on a ranged DPS when getting slaughtered.


If I were doing more PVE than PVP, I'd replace Seeping Wound with Enraged Charge. If I were doing mainly HM and higher Ops, I'd immediately rip 2 points out of Malice and drop them in Defensive Roll.

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For either PVP or PVE, I couldn't see myself putting more than 31 points in Annihilation. Seeping Wound is fairly lame for PVE (except making it easier to use Savage Kick on weak targets), and Enraged Charge I find to be less useful in PVP since there's rarely ever a case where one can actually utilize a "perfect" PVE opening. In no case would I personally talent up Cloak of Annihilation or Phantom.


seeping wound is lame for pve sure, but were talkin about pvp here


seeping wound (now that its 50% slow on rupture) is definitely a taker for annihilation spec


and yes, enraged charge is a useless talent


cloak of annihilaiton ... even more useless than enraged charge


but phantom, thats a nice talent, it turns camo from a so-so escape move into a very good escape move, which always comes in handy in pvp


Narrowed Hatred I could see an argument for in PVE, depending on availability of extra mods to customize PVE gear (e.g. ditch even more Acc that comes on PVE gear for Pow/Crit/Surge), but can't imagine having in a PVP spec. Defensive Roll heck yes for PVE, definitely useful though not essential for PVP (depends on server... relatively few AoE spammers on Ebon Hawk, and I try to stay out of the worst of it to kill healers).


same thing applies to narrowed hatred in pvp, it allows more flexibility in gearing, the less accuracy you need from gear, the more power you can get


defensive roll, perhaps is a server thing, but i get aoed like crazy, lots of rage juggs/maras, lots of DFA, lighting storm thing (whatever its called), lots of orbital strikes


may not be as bad as other servers, but its certainly useful on mine ... plus its 30% reduction, thats huge, especially considering the high damage amounts that most aoe attacks can put up


Ravager I'd almost consider table stakes for any build unless they go back and make changes to Ravage. It's just too good not to use.


yes, ravage is definitely nice now even for annihilation, but w/o gore i dont feel its powerful enough to warrant spending points on it when they can be spent elsewhere


So depending on the spec and intended use, Malice can absolutely be in the picture, and it's not a bad choice at all for pure DPS reasons. With Ravage added to regular use as Anni, I find myself rarely rage-starved in PVP, so I'd take it over putting any points in Narrowed Hatred, Cloak of Carnage, or Enraged Charge. For PVE I'd probably have 1 point in it if actively doing HM/NM Ops or HM Lost Island (31/7/3), and otherwise take the points out of Defensive Roll and go 3/3 (31/5/5).


Edit: So in the strictest sense, I do go back on my earlier agreement that not-going 3/3 is a bad idea, but I do think it remains a useful talent specifically for increasing bleed damage, provided there isn't a compelling reason (e.g. -30% AoE damage, when doing encounters that are AoE heavy) not to.


i dont think malice is a "bad" choice at all, i just think that, given the already insanely high crit rate of your dots, it isnt as beneficial as it seems on the surface, and points are better spend elsewhere (defensive roll and 1/2 coc, to be specific)


and i rarely find myself rage starved either, but there is a difference between being rage starved, and not having to use rage builders nearly as often


the more passive generation you can get, the less active generation you need, you may be in a situation where you have 3-4 rage and you need an annihilate before the buff drops off, youre gonna have to use assault to build rage


with higher passive generation you wont find yourself in that situation nearly as often

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