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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I know some trolls and low lifes, have been using the plague to make other people miserable. This being said I think your overreacting on this. Yes its annoying, and yes people will abuse it. Honestly name one mmo on this planet where a player does not abuse a event like this?


Off topic remark this event was nice, but the quest dailies and chains seem to be too hidden. Suggestion for any devs reading this. When swg opened a zone in the game called the Quarantine zone , they made it extremely difficult, and to make matters better you couldn't see vary far in front of your character. It made the area spooky, scary, and you never knew when you were litterly going to run into a army of hostile npcs. By difficult it was like shooting blanks at them as a commando hehehe. Here is my suggestion they had a small quest chain that led up to the qz zone. After that you just followed the yellow brick road. Might be better to set up a small quest chain to lead players to the propper locations so they can experience all the content. After I did the dailies, I had the feeling I was missing allot of quests. This is a future reference suggestion.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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3) Some players, believe it or not, care about there appearance and do not want to look like they are infected. If someone cares enough to spend several million credits swapping mods into orange gear, they may very well not want that nice looking outfit to be covered in sludge, even for a small period of time - much less the month some are suggesting this may last.




Oh Gods, someone just HAD to post something to change my forum status from LURKER to now ACTIVE PARTICIPANT with this post. I mean, God forbid someone ruin your virtual cartoon armor with their (how did you put it in an earlier post) "nauseating green fumes". I mean, c'mon!? This is a joke, right? Please tell me it is.


Secondly, you talk about the o-so-heinous inconvenience to your gaming time from this event when you've been actively compl....errr, posting on here for what is HOURS now, so there's obviously some disconnect somewhere. I think you absolutely adore posting the contrarian point-of-view because you're actually getting some much needed attention.


It seems like the very scant minority who is doing the complaining are those who treat this game more like a JOB than entertainment. "How dare you take away business from the GTN with this event! I'm trying to peddle my wares and you're ruining everything," or, "I MUST get blah-blah-blah PvP commendations and your little "game" is interfering!" It's a multiplayer game, people; not your 9-5. When a little bit of random fun interferes with your "game" (job) then you need to take a step back and prioritize your life; and when you're worried that your pretend armor got some dirt on it and doesn't look pretty anymore, well...take about a dozen steps back

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Give me a physical break. What is the big deal even if you do get infected?


You might possibly die 30 minutes later and it doesn't cost you a repair bill.


OH NO!!!!! You better go cancel that subscription quickly.

Edited by LexiCazam
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So nothing "out of the blue" ever happened in Star Wars storylines?....


Vader : "..... I am your father..."


Luke : "..... yeah I know... everyone knows that... Duh!... "


That's something entirely different. We're not talking about a story, here, we're talking about a product. Products are sold under a particular description, understanding of their function, etc. When I buy my microwave, I expect that it will function the same a year from its date of purchase from as it did that very day.


Or, to look at the products of movies, since you brought up the films, consider another example. What if instead of saying he was Luke's father, Vader said that he was a cowboy from the wild west, and the film suddenly became a western? Absurd, you might say? Of course! The film was sold to be a science fiction film, not a western. I think most would be rather unhappy and feel disappointed in the movie if Empire Strikes Back had gone this way. Indeed, there are films that do things like this, and they are rejected, given poor ratings, and have poor sales.


The point here is that when I signed up for Swotr, and when I pay my bill each month I expect the game content to change as time goes on, and I expect certain aspects of the game - such as class balance - to be adjusted. What I do not expect is for core gameplay components around which the game was built to suddenly be ignored and for the entire experience to change to something that in many ways is far different.

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Personally I hope they do a hundred more events like this so that I can laugh while reading about some of you crying a hundred times over. Good lord they finally give us in-game events and something interesting that isn't the usual (what so many people B****** about) and you morons want to start complaining about that too. It won't be going on for that long. I'm sure you can deal with possibly blowing up now and then. Especially when you can turn around and sell the items you get for dying and you didn't have to do a thing. Edited by Varteras
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Oh Gods, someone just HAD to post something to change my forum status from LURKER to now ACTIVE PARTICIPANT with this post. I mean, God forbid someone ruin your virtual cartoon armor with their (how did you put it in an earlier post) "nauseating green fumes". I mean, c'mon!? This is a joke, right? Please tell me it is.


Secondly, you talk about the o-so-heinous inconvenience to your gaming time from this event when you've been actively compl....errr, posting on here for what is HOURS now, so there's obviously some disconnect somewhere. I think you absolutely adore posting the contrarian point-of-view because you're actually getting some much needed attention.


It seems like the very scant minority who is doing the complaining are those who treat this game more like a JOB than entertainment. "How dare you take away business from the GTN with this event! I'm trying to peddle my wares and you're ruining everything," or, "I MUST get blah-blah-blah PvP commendations and your little "game" is interfering!" It's a multiplayer game, people; not your 9-5. When a little bit of random fun interferes with your "game" (job) then you need to take a step back and prioritize your life; and when you're worried that your pretend armor got some dirt on it and doesn't look pretty anymore, well...take about a dozen steps back


I assure you I have a perfectly healthy life without the need for any attention, and I am not much one for the contrarion point of view most of the time. That does not mean that I cannot also care how my character looks. It is, after all, called a role playing game - this is a tremendous amount of the point of playing it.


I am not quite sure why you see a disconnect between my posting for hours and my being disappointed how this plague effects my gametime. They are quite connected.... it is precisely because I can't really do any of the things I enjoy in the game that I have the time to post here about it. If I could que for warzones, play the economy, or do the other things that make the game fun for me, I'd be doing them.


I can't, so I am here expressing my frustration with this and hoping it will be adjusted at least somewhat.

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Again, unless I die. As the other poster said, you cannot even play warzones because of the plague. You will get infected, and you will be required to invest in more vaccination if you want to be able to be successful in the WZs.


Of all things, this repeated argument is really the most disingenuous thing being said about this topic. Even some of those who support the plague 100% have said that it was a big mistake that it does not persist through deaths.


The warzone is just an excuse to trash the event, and you already made up your mind to dismiss any reasonable compromise and want it gone immediately.


From what I've heard, it takes 10 minutes for you to die from the plague. You are telling me, that you can survive in a warzone for that long till you explode?

I am not that familiar with the plague yet, but if the plague persists through death, the time that the plague "gets you" in PvP is just one of the many deaths that you cannot avoid in PvP. Whether you die from the plague or from enemy players, what's the difference? You keep dying in PvP.


So your counter-argument is not a good one to begin with.


The vaccine is a reasonable compromise for people who want to opt out in PvE. For people who PvP, 1 unavoidable death from the plague is miniscule compared to the number of times you die in a warzone. The death that it causes is trivial.


So the vaccine is a very reasonable compromise.

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Personally I hope they do a hundred more events like this so that I can laugh while reading about some of you crying a hundred times over. Good lord they finally give us in-game events and something interesting that isn't the usual (what so many people B****** about) and you morons want to start complaining about that too. It won't be going on for that long. I'm sure you can deal with possibly blowing up now and then. Especially when you can turn around and sell the items you get for dying and you didn't have to do a thing.


It's been suggested this might last a month or longer. I have no interest in having to explode or spend credits every half hour for that amount of time - and I must say, I strongly doubt that even the most ardent supporter of this plague will either, after a week or so.

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59 pages, nice one. Me smell troll. /sniff sniff


I'm annoyed by this thing as well but not that much. Just go kill urself (it wipes the sickness) and stay away from the fleet if it bugs ya that much. That's what I'm doin.

Edited by Serbegorn
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I assure you I have a perfectly healthy life without the need for any attention, and I am not much one for the contrarion point of view most of the time. That does not mean that I cannot also care how my character looks. It is, after all, called a role playing game - this is a tremendous amount of the point of playing it.


I am not quite sure why you see a disconnect between my posting for hours and my being disappointed how this plague effects my gametime. They are quite connected.... it is precisely because I can't really do any of the things I enjoy in the game that I have the time to post here about it. If I could que for warzones, play the economy, or do the other things that make the game fun for me, I'd be doing them.


I can't, so I am here expressing my frustration with this and hoping it will be adjusted at least somewhat.


You are overdramatizing this so much that it makes me wonder if you are serious.


You can't do any of the things you enjoy? Really? Really??!!


You can't play pve with a 2,000 credit vaccine (trivial if you've played the game for more than a few hours on any character) or just play with the plague on you in pvp?


Why does this plague make pvp unplayable? I really don't understand what the crap you are whining about.

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So the vaccine is a very reasonable compromise.


Hmm, 2k credits for a fresh level 13 is a bit harsh imo. And by fresh lvl 13 I mean someone new to the game that just made it to the fleet. Put yourself in that dude's shoes for a minute, lol.

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omg could you please remove all content in the game please, I man i pay for this, i should'nt have to do anything.


Whats with this leveling, and flashpoints, and all this stuff to do, i should'nt have to do anything, i'm paying for it.


omg OP this is class. I lolled so hard


Love this, there should be a hundred more live events, its awesome.

Edited by Narny
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while i APPLAUD bioware's PVE Content Dev Team on this addition of new Events, i propose for future events please have more variety other than Rakghoul thing..


I hope bioware content dev dig into the Old Republic lore and found new and wonderful and Epic stuff for these kind of EVENTS, and not bringing the old and tired Rakghoul in everything..


How about.. massive droid insurrection lead by some golden skinned protocol droid ?


How about.. stopping a massive planetary war between Jawas and Sand people over Salvage Rights..


How about.. Random Imperial / Republic Invasion by Special Forces Drop Pods hitting the Fleet at random locations and need people in Fleet to band together and stop the invaders


If you want to have more RAKGHOUL based story, Make an inverse like a good hearthed but ugly looking Rakghoul separatist who want to be your companion ..

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Hmm, 2k credits for a fresh level 13 is a bit harsh imo. And by fresh lvl 13 I mean someone new to the game that just made it to the fleet. Put yourself in that dude's shoes for a minute, lol.


I think that new level 13 player would think that it is hilarious, and it will just be one of many deaths that he will suffer in coruscant.

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Everyone realizes that it's pretty much 98% FOR this event, while really only Skolops and a (very) few others are dissenting, right? He's almost single-handedly goaded everyone into carrying this 60+ pages by taking the communities almost unanimous love for this event and working everyone it into a frenzy. Just ignore him. Guys like him get off to this kind of thing - it's most likely the only attention he gets and he'd be remisce if he let it go so easily. It makes him feel important. I mean, the guy complains about what is probably seco ds worth of in-game inconvenience and cones here and posts for HOURS? Seriously? The community finally is together on their approval of something; driving this thread so far is only proof of that. Just ignore Skolops (do what most people do in real life)
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It's been suggested this might last a month or longer. I have no interest in having to explode or spend credits every half hour for that amount of time - and I must say, I strongly doubt that even the most ardent supporter of this plague will either, after a week or so.


If they offered a vaccine that persisted through death and lasted at least 24 hours would you feel better?

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The warzone is just an excuse to trash the event, and you already made up your mind to dismiss any reasonable compromise and want it gone immediately.


From what I've heard, it takes 10 minutes for you to die from the plague. You are telling me, that you can survive in a warzone for that long till you explode?

I am not that familiar with the plague yet, but if the plague persists through death, the time that the plague "gets you" in PvP is just one of the many deaths that you cannot avoid in PvP. Whether you die from the plague or from enemy players, what's the difference? You keep dying in PvP.


So your counter-argument is not a good one to begin with.


The vaccine is a reasonable compromise for people who want to opt out in PvE. For people who PvP, 1 unavoidable death from the plague is miniscule compared to the number of times you die in a warzone. The death that it causes is trivial.


So the vaccine is a very reasonable compromise.


You must not play very many warzones. If you truly don't understand how they work, then I can understand why this may not seem as big a deal to you as it is.


In a warzone, the single most important resource you have is the freedom to control your character. The single greatest attack you have against your opponents are crowd control abilities - stuns, mezzes, knockbacks, and so forth.


They revolve around controlling a variety of points throughout the map. Each point can be controlled by one team when a player interacts with it for some period of time - usually 8 seconds. This can be interrupted at any time by being stunned or taking damage.


One of the most important dynamics in the warzones is the dynamic between people trying to use crowd control on opponents to buy the time to control the objective themselves, or using it to prevent others from getting to them. Even a stun that is broken after less than a second can be enough to make the difference between one team controlling the point or the other.


The problem with the plague in warzones is not death. It's the unbreakable stun it puts you in when you move into the second stage of the disease and when you are about to die. It essentially gives the other team a free potentially unexpected, and unbrekable crowd control.


Further, because of the way the resolve system works in Swtor PvP (a system for allowing you to be immune to enemy crowd control under certain conditions), people who know how to play warzones very precisely manage their crowd controls and their crowd control breakers. Throwing in these extra items stuns can very much screw up an entire person's game.


Of course, it is effecting both teams equally, but it makes for warzones which are overall less focused on skill. It's problematic.

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while i APPLAUD bioware's PVE Content Dev Team on this addition of new Events, i propose for future events please have more variety other than Rakghoul thing..


I hope bioware content dev dig into the Old Republic lore and found new and wonderful and Epic stuff for these kind of EVENTS, and not bringing the old and tired Rakghoul in everything..


How about.. massive droid insurrection lead by some golden skinned protocol droid ?


How about.. stopping a massive planetary war between Jawas and Sand people over Salvage Rights..


How about.. Random Imperial / Republic Invasion by Special Forces Drop Pods hitting the Fleet at random locations and need people in Fleet to band together and stop the invaders


If you want to have more RAKGHOUL based story, Make an inverse like a good hearthed but ugly looking Rakghoul separatist who want to be your companion ..


Just a short suggestion here:


How about, maybe.. the Game Devs are now putting the whole Rakghoul thing in it's prime to bring an end to it in 1.3 or even before that. Seeing it is a story arch they themselves started on Taris, then continued in 1.1 and 1.2.

Would it not be even more strange for them to leave it in the air? You know, the main story arch they created after everyone's Chapter 3 and (spoiler!) the killing of the False Emperor and his fleet (hope I didn't spoil too much).


I'm glad they actually continue on it a bit more to truly make it feel dangerous and then bring a wrap on the story with an epic conclusion worthy of an MMO. Something none of us know anything about yet, but you can be sure they will deliver on seeing how they always sold the game as high on story.


Epic Galaxy Sized Story Telling is not about diversity at all turns, it is about a beginning, a few conclusions, a large impact that affects the entire universe and then a heroic wrap-up. and that last bit is what is still to come I am sure. And then we move on somewhere else.


What you ask is like asking halfway through the WoW Wrath of the Lich King expansion: "You know, I've had enough of undead.. can we not get pandas now?"

Yes you will, just let this story end first before you start your next.

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Everyone realizes that it's pretty much 98% FOR this event, while really only Skolops and a (very) few others are dissenting, right? He's almost single-handedly goaded everyone into carrying this 60+ pages by taking the communities almost unanimous love for this event and working everyone it into a frenzy. Just ignore him. Guys like him get off to this kind of thing - it's most likely the only attention he gets and he'd be remisce if he let it go so easily. It makes him feel important. I mean, the guy complains about what is probably seco ds worth of in-game inconvenience and cones here and posts for HOURS? Seriously? The community finally is together on their approval of something; driving this thread so far is only proof of that. Just ignore Skolops (do what most people do in real life)


I can assure you that this is an entirely inaccurate statement, both as pertains to my personal life and as regards the support for the event.


Again, the support for the event is very high.


The support for the plague facet of it is, I believe, not. On the forums is it popular? Yes. I do not believe it is popular amongst the majority of players, most of whom do not post here.

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You must not play very many warzones. If you truly don't understand how they work, then I can understand why this may not seem as big a deal to you as it is.


In a warzone, the single most important resource you have is the freedom to control your character. The single greatest attack you have against your opponents are crowd control abilities - stuns, mezzes, knockbacks, and so forth.


They revolve around controlling a variety of points throughout the map. Each point can be controlled by one team when a player interacts with it for some period of time - usually 8 seconds. This can be interrupted at any time by being stunned or taking damage.


One of the most important dynamics in the warzones is the dynamic between people trying to use crowd control on opponents to buy the time to control the objective themselves, or using it to prevent others from getting to them. Even a stun that is broken after less than a second can be enough to make the difference between one team controlling the point or the other.


The problem with the plague in warzones is not death. It's the unbreakable stun it puts you in when you move into the second stage of the disease and when you are about to die. It essentially gives the other team a free potentially unexpected, and unbrekable crowd control.


Further, because of the way the resolve system works in Swtor PvP (a system for allowing you to be immune to enemy crowd control under certain conditions), people who know how to play warzones very precisely manage their crowd controls and their crowd control breakers. Throwing in these extra items stuns can very much screw up an entire person's game.


Of course, it is effecting both teams equally, but it makes for warzones which are overall less focused on skill. It's problematic.


So a stun that occurs for 3 seconds or so once every 10 minutes makes pvp unplayable?




Do you realize how completely idiotic you sound?

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It's been suggested this might last a month or longer. I have no interest in having to explode or spend credits every half hour for that amount of time - and I must say, I strongly doubt that even the most ardent supporter of this plague will either, after a week or so.


i hope it does last a month, i have school work and a child to look after, i don't get to play nearly as much as i'd like and in other games i've missed out on quite a bit of unique content because of it(not that i'm complaining i love my son and going to college at my age is awesome). if this lasts a month i'll finally be able to experience a full unique event.




please bioware make this last a month!

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If they offered a vaccine that persisted through death and lasted at least 24 hours would you feel better?


That would make things significantly better. It would still be pretty annoying to see all the nasty green people around, but I could deal with that.


The only other big problem I see is that I feel a bit bad for the low level players trying to do their quests on Tatooine. I've already seen reports of it from a number of people, and on my server the general chat has had quite a few references to it. I've even helped defend a guy while he tried to do stuff, but not everyone is able to find someone to do that.


I wish they'd have either put it on a higher level planet, or made the quests very unappealing to level 50 players. Of course, they wanted this to be available for level 50s, so certainly the former option would be better.




Actually it would still have the issue of people ignoring PvP, PvE, and economic elements of the game, but I imagine that folks will go back to that soon enough once they're bored of Tatooine.

Edited by Skolops
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The support for the plague facet of it is, I believe, not. On the forums is it popular? Yes. I do not believe it is popular amongst the majority of players, most of whom do not post here.


A yes, the famous: "Only 5% of players use this forum and everyone who agrees with me is the other 95%" argument.


Sorry, but that does not fly. Especially considering how undividedly possitive all responses were last night.


Heck, I was in an RP event last night when someone came in and exploded. We just rolled with it and had a laugh as we continued with our Pazaak tournament after everyone was vaccinated.


Sorry, but no. You are the very small minority here.

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I can assure you that this is an entirely inaccurate statement, both as pertains to my personal life and as regards the support for the event.


Again, the support for the event is very high.


The support for the plague facet of it is, I believe, not. On the forums is it popular? Yes. I do not believe it is popular amongst the majority of players, most of whom do not post here.


apparently my server disagrees. this event is all anyone has been doing on mine for the last six hours.:rolleyes:

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