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Suggestion: Allow people to comment on the community in General


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Many players will agree that the community or -other people- make a large aspect of their enjoyability of an MMO.


The General forums here form a significant portion of the community in this game, and players should be allowed to comment on what they like or dislike about this aspect, whether it be positive or negative.


After all, why do moderators allow community related or off topic discussions ONLY out-of-the-way categories? Game mechanics people like/dislike are allowed in BOTH class forums, role forums AND General, but when it comes to community related topics, we are not allowed to post in GENERAL. This is known as a --double standard--.


Players should be allowed to post things in General that have nothing to do with game mechanics, but aim to improve/entertain/promote the community - one of the most vital cornerstones of a successful MMO.

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Put down those strawmen fella. The problem with commenting on the community is that there also is a "No naming, no shaming" rule on the forums. And I'm sure you can see how in discussions about the community itself that some people could have a hard time restraining themselves from brining up this ganker or that ninja-looter/inviter.


So I honestly can't blame them for not allowing the topic altogether as they'd have to extra-carefully read every community centric topic that gets made, which is well, effort and time they could be using elsewhere.

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I am not using a straw man fallacy. There is a very real rule against commenting on the community in General, which is moderated heavily.


Also I have no idea why you think my suggestion would some how increase the number of personal attacks or call outs that occur on the forums - quite the opposite, I hope it would help improve the community by talking about what sort of tone/civility people would like to see.

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I am not using a straw man fallacy. There is a very real rule against commenting on the community in General, which is moderated heavily.


Also I have no idea why you think my suggestion would some how increase the number of personal attacks or call outs that occur on the forums - quite the opposite, I hope it would help improve the community by talking about what sort of tone/civility people would like to see.


It will not.


That's just how people are.

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