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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Trend: Reps rerolling Imps


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So after 1.2 hit I noticed this trend on my server. More and more rep players are rerolling to imperial side.

Before the introduction of two more same faction WZs the only thing that brought people from the imp side to the reps was the fact, that they were tiring of playing HB all day long.


Now the imps do get the fast queues as well, as the system seems not to prioritize cross faction wzs over same faction- meaning if there are 16 imps queued you get a pop.


This results in the state, that there are not only few rep players who queue for wzs, but those have to wait for long times, as the imps are happily playing against each other.

Add to that the other benefits the stronger populated side already had like:


-better economy with more crafters

-better chances for groups/raids

-less of a ghost fleet


I somehow fear that one faction will remove itself from the game if this trend continues as there are only disadvantages playing the weaker (in regards of population) side.


The next logical step in that direction (as same faction wzs will probably never be removed now) would be the introduction of a mercenary system like rift has it.

There you can choose to join a game on the opposing side.


That this trend and the training simulations is killing any lore aspect that there ever might have been in PvP (Oh, a training simulation against some fellows- for the republic!!!!) is just another thing that adds up.


So is there any reason to stick with reps (beside my guild that is :D).

Edited by Twor
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In a PvP point, don't play Imp if you don't wanna play easy-mode.


Mh, isn't that even more of a pro point to play imp for 90% of the people? :D


I rolled rep to play the "uznderdog" but sitting on fleet waiting for wz pops is not much in the "play" sense somehow.

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