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Operatives and cover


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If you have a healing spec or some lethiality you could get away with using some cover in groups.


Also, it's a good idea to hit the cover/crouch key just so you can use explosive probe real quick for a boost of dps and then go back to melee.

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Operative was my first 50. So it's been 50 for quite awhile and done just about everything (except nightmare ops, but we are getting there)


I use cover in 3 situations pretty much. For explosive probe when I feel either bored or am solo doing dailies. Snipe on occasion, but only when i'm killing off weak non-elite stuff and Orbital Strike is on CD. (Truth be told, the 2nd could/should be eliminated as backstab/shiv is far more efficient)


The 3rd reason is preventing Jedi/Sith warrior type hops and leaps in pvp. I will be sad when this gets completely redone. I suppose the occasional movement is nice, but it rarely works out to my advantage.


As an operative, (healer OR melee) there's really little reason to use the cover system.

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