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marauder pvp accuracy


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I prefer lots more as Carnage.


Like 105%'ish.


When my roots miss, **** goes bad. Sorcs have innate 10% defense chance, and sitting at 95% Acc, that's a 15% chance for my stuff to get parried. I want to minimize that as much as possible.


They reworked Accuracy to make it better for us. 300 Accuracy rating = 10%, that will get you to 100% by itself. If you're Carnage, you're probably running the 3% talent, so all you need is another 80ish and you're at 105%.


I'm using full BM, original mods, except for 2 Enhancements that i've taken out for the 23End/34Power/48Surge Enhancements. That puts me at 107% Acc, 400 Power rating, 300 crit rating, and 240 Surge rating. It's very nice in huttball, my roots never miss unless they are running defensive cooldowns, and i'm still hitting like a truck.

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This is gonna help out any anni/watchman people playing


for pvp, you need 100% accuracy (110% special) nothing more, nothing less. At that accuracy the only time you will EVER see miss is when using assault; any other "miss" is coming from your offhand (secondary) damage, which is 33% lower in accuracy. As an anni spec, 35-45% of your damage is bleeds, so you stat priority should be:


Strength ~ 1400


Surge ~ 250

Crit ~ 450

Strength till 1750

then Power


if you have recruit gear you should already have decent stats; any full pvp set gear and you're fine on expertise. Surge is extremely important. When berserk is up your bleeds, which is 35-45% of your damage, will crit 100% of the time; this is a massive damage increase. Surge will give you great extra damage up to around 250, where it starts to give diminishing returns, .033 damage for every point. At this point, make sure your crit is around 450ish. Strength will give you good returns, .22 dmg per point around 1600, and more crit chance. I would assume at 1750 strength and 450 crit we would lose the crit bonus strength give you, and then should prioritize power. From my testing, power is pretty useless until then.


Crede, Kaas City: Empire

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