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Any AC's that aren't frustraiting to play post 1.2?


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Definitely Marauders/Sentinels.


The damage mitigation and survivability rivals a fully specced/ geared tank while maintaining the greatest melee burst available. Execute was increased from 20-30% so if You see your health somewhere below 50% and those classes are in your vicinity don't bother - you're dead. Ravage is uninterruptible, I mean, from the perspective of my Marauder it's LoL fun. But I also like to play ranged, and the utter disparity is pretty glaring.


I'd like all classes to be equally good, not just the Paladin with greatest mitigation, survivability, burst and then everyone else which by comparison is just simply not as good.


Marauders/Sentinels right now remind me a lot of the phase in Wrath of the Lich King when Retribution Paladins were pretty much unbeatable.

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