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what are your feelings on 1.2


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Mixed feelings. I was really looking forward to it but here is my opinion


PVP - Disappointed

Recruit armor and the new stats effects on pvp - seems a recruit armour player vs a battlemaster is in for a harder time then a centurion was vs battlemaster. Or maybe just because you can get ranked WZ comms now all the "retired battlemasters are making premades to farm the fresh 50's either way... no longer fun. Sick of 4v8 matches. I do however quite enjoy the Denova Coast WZ when its a fair fight. Sticking to 10-49 bracket now though, at least i can be competitive there (my alts are under lvl 20 and i do just fine (before all the well you want to be lvl 49 and dominate lvls 10's chime in))


PVE - happy

Corriella daily's have some neat aspects, like the night vision goggles, and the herioc 4 was fun to duo.

I havent had a chance to run the new FP and OP but more FPs and OPS is always a good thing.


Crew skills - meh

. The addition of the armouring and barrels for 8 daily coms killed my ability to sell cybertech armorings. Not a huge deal, i just sell raw mats from Scav and Underworld now.


Legacy - meh

I was actually looking forward to this part a lot, but I am disappointed, not because of the credit costs, but because it seems out of that entire list of things to unlock all i really want is the multi buffs from the classes and neutral GTN on my ship. I thought legacy would be a lot more like Everquests AA system with much more lateral advancement of your character (and alts). reducing your Quick travel by 3 mins is hardly worth the effort....by 15 mins hell yes.


So overall i guess a disappointed, + happy and 2 meh's = 4/10 This is all stuff that should have been in the game at release. The free 30 days is them saying sorry for making you pay for beta, nothing else.


I still love playing the game, and will continue to look forward to the next update. The legacy set up a "framework" now, i hope the use the potential for it in a positive way.


oh and p.s. the change to orbital stations makes up for alot of the meh's :p

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