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how are people getting 300k heal during pvp


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i'm curious, right now i'm running half champion gear, half recruit gear. I'm full heal spec.


during a match i'm pretty much always trying to heal someone and throwing my shield around. I'm curious if its the gear that makes that much of a difference or if i need to just heal more and toss my shield around more

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Battlemaster gear boosts things up a lot. Also, War Hero gear is new and even more expertise. But the best way to get really big numbers is AOE heal in the right place. At least, for a Sorc. We love AOE healing. Edited by Suzina
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Got 600k as 32/7/2 yesterday.


This is however:

- in a 4 man guild-premade

- Main Tank of said guild guarding me

- on void star

- using alot of aoe-healing


Healing in a PUG vs decent players, 300k is still possible but premading as a sorc healer is the way to go for the moment.

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Well, the answer is obvious: skill and gear.


Skill more than gear, actually. Gear doesn't help healing done all that much - you'd go from about 500 expertise to 1000 expertise if you got to full Battlemaster, which is going to boost your healing done from 6.5% to 10% bonus, thereabouts. Yeah your heals will hit harder too, but realistically you won't see much more than 5%-10% bigger heals on your tooltips.


So whatever heals you're doing now, just go add 20% to it, that's what you will achieve if you had better gear.


As for skill - the most important thing is minimizing "downtime"


Personally I play a hybrid sorc that averages about 150k healing per match, while also managing to occasionally top DPS. The key to doing this is to make sure you don't waste a single moment - you must ALWAYS be casting something. If you're standing still, keep casting, if you're moving, keep shielding or instant heal. It can be tricky, trying to force sprint through the fire while shielding people on a different level behind you, but that's the skill in the game.


I would say it's a bit like a fighting game: you know your moves 2-3 steps in advance. You're casting your slow heal - you have a moment to choreograph in advance, what your next 2-3 moves are - you're going to sprint forward, there's 3 guys who can use a shield, so the moment your heal finishes you sprint and go shield-shield-shield and now your sprint is over, you stand still and cast another heal, and consider your next 2-3 moves.

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