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So its all about gear huh?


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I'm gonna start this up saying that i'm not another merc QQer. I've been playing PT since the first day (2nd beta), I enjoy my class a lot, know how to play it and I'm sure I'm not the worst player around. But now I just feel like ****. You dont need to kite, strafe, keybind, etc. You just need gear. I have 750 expertise (not the best number one can get, but still a reasonable ammount) and I get exploded by every force user that gets into my range. Worst part is: I have no chance keeping people at 10m from me for more than 2 seconds. And as soon as they get to me, surprise, I'm dead.


I thought pvping in wow had become something stupid, but I found out that swtor is even worse. In my days I could hold LM up against 2 or sometimes 3 players. But here at swtor, now that 1.2 came out, almost every force user (even the worst geared ones) just **** me in a few seconds.


This is my main char, its the only one I play, I'm not even considering reroll a marauder or anything else (like some friends - force users I must say - told me to do). Guess I'm gonna just wait for a hotfix or something like that, cause I'm pretty sure the situation is unfair (to say the least) for non-force users right now. And in case the hotfix never comes, well, time to unsub.


ps: I'm sorry for my bad english. I put some good effort in it but I know it just sucks lol

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Face it, this is a glowbat swinger centered game. Of course they're going to nerf the non-glowbat crowd to keep the target audience happy. We're lucky there are any non-glowbat professions at all in my opinion, I surely didn't expect them to be competitive... at least I wasn't disappointed on that part.
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