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What went wrong with PvP in 1.2


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Actually im sawbone specc'd now,yah a HEALER and healing isnt that bad at all,you guys just want wayy too much,swallow your pride man and admit it.


Scoundrel/Operative healer... the only healer that can stack up HoTs that heal for 1k+ per tick at no energy cost! Buy yours today!

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Scoundrel/Operative healer... the only healer that can stack up HoTs that heal for 1k+ per tick at no energy cost! Buy yours today!


Hey i dont have no bubble,force speed and a plethora of stuns and range like them casters do.

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Hey i dont have no bubble,force speed and a plethora of stuns and range like them casters do.


You're right, you can just clear all dots and vanish. Fair trade off.


EDIT: Plethora of stuns? You have 2 stuns and sorcs have 2 stuns.

Edited by Thurinlore
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The thing that really made me mad abouit this crap is ya get hardly any tokens anymore or even credits when loosing a war zone. I think BIO is ignorant about PVP. They should stick to one player games. I dont think my sub is going to grow very old for this game and i won't purchase any other bioware crap anymore either. I'm sure im not only one to feel this way, so i hope this truly hurts their business enough for them to pull ltheir heads out of their rectums and fix it..
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Bioware has failed with their pvp changes in 1.2. They took a system that was fun and engaging, but needed a few tweaks and completely blown it apart and made it not fun to play. For reference, I play a fully BM geared Vanguard and have been exploding people with my Tactics/Assault hybrid spec.


Below I've listed my reasons as to why pvp is now broke.


  1. While the nerf to expertise gains from healing was warranted, the boost to damage done was not. This has caused fights that were once fun and engaging, that allowed the use of tactics, to become nothing but focus fire zerg fests. Healers and Tanks are more or less liabilities if you have them in your WZ, tanks more so than healers. Sorcs/Sages are useless now, they literally die in seconds due mainly to the fact that their only real source of mitigation (their shield) breaks in one hit then they just melt one CC or interrupt and they are done. Everyone that I target in WZ literally runs away from me because they simply fold over, and that's even if I have one or two others on me, I know that I can still kill the Scorc/Sage. I realize that Bioware bumped up the damage and mitigation numbers from Expertise to discourage the use of pve gear in WZ, but the fix is worse than the original problem. Bumping up damage without increasing health pools is just a bad idea.
  2. Operative healers are also broken. Their hot is way too strong, and it needs to be toned down and their direct heals buffed to compensate. They remind me of WoW TBC druids where they just run around hotting themselves and every one else for little to no resource costs. While it's not a big deal if they are focused and zerg killed, but once they expertise issued are fixed everyone will see how broken they are.
  3. The reward system is completely broken. With the new pace of combat even if you win the game you may not get your minimum number of medals to cap your rewards. If you are on the losing team you get little to nothing for your time spent. In a gear based pvp system this type of reward system will not work and will just discourage people from playing, especially if they are just starting out.
  4. Making Champion gear completely useless was a slap in the face to everyone that pvped prior to the 1.2 patch and didn't get a full set of BM gear. Expertise is king now and everyone I play with has been dumping their Champion gear, that they worked hard to earn, for the Recruit gear. I can understand replacing the Centurion gear for the recruit gear, but not buffing the Champion gear up to the level of the Recruit gear was a huge mistake.
  5. With no rated WZ's the cost of WH gear is out of line with the time spent pvping. The costs need to be brought down and a new set of gear added when Rated play is added.


All the above can be fixed by Bioware, and I hope they do quickly or pvp in this game is doomed. Most of my guild mates have pretty much gone to leveling alts instead of pvping at this point, whereas prior to the patch we did nothing but pvp after our raids and on off-nights.




Please tell me you are joking? All we have is those Hots and surgical probes (which btw work off an RNG proc) when we get interrupted. Sounds to me like you just got schooled by a good Op who knows how to kite and keep people up with Hots and probes.


Oh and for the record, our "broken" hot, the health returned is nowhere near the energy investment it requires.

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PvP is pretty much the low man on the totem pole as far as priorities go in this game. The lackluster (that's being generous) way Open World PvP was implemented from game one should have served as proof that Bioware really only threw PvP in to lure players from that niche to their game for a short while.


That said, this patch has been released for less than 72 hours. If everyone would just play and experiment for at least a week before posting, the QQ would be much less. Things changed, they always do. If your toon can't do things that it used to be able to do, maybe try looking for what you can do now that you couldn't before.

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Please post a video, or explain how 2 railshots killed someone.


Also, it is actually impossible to do more damage after the patch than before the patch. There were 0 buffs given to damage output.


Damage has gone up, as the procs come more reliably. You pretty much get 2 HiB's in a row right at the start of combat, which for me with Battle Focus and a relic up are pretty much guaranteed to crit for around 4k each, is about half of the average geared pvp players health, now that doesn't consider the set up damage for the two HiB's (Ion Pulse, Incendiary Round, Stockstrike, Gut etc.) so within 4 to 5 GCD's you have your target below 30% health, and if I ran a full Assault Spec they would be even lower with the extra bonuses to HiB on burning targets.


Prior to the patch two HiB's in a row was not very common, three even less common, but when it happened. gg You won the lottery and it was game over for your target. Most of the time you ran around fishing for procs running your ammo to zero, recharged and continued to fish if the situation required. I can't tell you how many fights I lost because I could not get a proc. Now, I know exactly when to go looking for a proc, and usually get it on the first try. If you can't see how this is a dps increase I don't know what to tell you.

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Apologies in advance - this is going to be a bit long...


Well, after reading so many pessimistic posts here before getting to try 1.2 I was already ratehr concerned. But, being a naturally optimistic person, had to log on and give things a try to get a feel for the changes myself.


Now, let me get it out right now that I do not have BM gear and was using my old champ set (wasn't going to blow credits on the new stuff until I knew I would even continue).


Queued up for three WZ's on my 50 healie Sage - 3 civil war matches is what I got - and in all three we started undermanned: Twice with 4 vs. 8 and one 6 vs. 8. And, not surprisingly, got rolled - but had to play the whole match this way since they don't shutdown now and everytime one would join they instantly left again (I did stay for the entire time all three matches for testing purposes, even though I was extremely ready to drop for sanity's sake).


Here's what I saw as a healer with all four of us trying for a node: I shield everyone, check who is going to be first in, and prepare to heal, target the first guy being hit, start casting and 'whoops!' he's dead, so move on and try the next with same results, but this time got a heal off, even though it didn't matter. By this point the imps noted I was trying to heal and smeared me into the ground in the span of a stun. Repeat this scenario way too many times over three matches. And what do I get for staying through these? A total of 40ish commendations, plus valor and 1/4 a credit or so. I just gave up after the third match.


Now, I can understand the commendation change - to a point - as a means to solve an AFK issue (even though there really isn't one and won't be until a leaving debuff is in place). So I guess this was forward thinking on their part? Trying to be optimistic, remember?


The reduction to healing and buff to damage bonuses via expertise were really poorly thought out - went way to far on the damage extreme.


The change to not shutdown WZ's with lopsided teams is ignorant at best - if they were trying to solve server population imbalances by making people all role on one side to compete - this may do it, since this is just rewarding the heavily populated faction. :confused:


TL;DR: All said and done, PvP is just pure garbage in the current format.

Edited by Speedwash
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