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Petition to revert back to 1.1.5 reward system!


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I will not address the numerous flaws with 1.2 as that discussion is already ongoing in many, many threads. This thread is not being created to discuss player opinion as to whether the expertise changes which drastically effected the PVP experience were called for and/or whether they are superior to the previous system.


The sole purpose of this thread is to see how many likeminded players out there would HIGHLY PREFER the 1.1.5 system of rewards where 4 medals win or lose netted max valor/comms (not including MVP votes) and are hoping that Bioware will hear our pleas and revert back to this system or something similar. Win or lose, 2 medals or 12, we deserve to get compensated equally for our time.


Please feel free to leave a /signed if you agree, and if you feel so inclined a brief description of why and or your thoughts towards the current system.


All we can do is prepare for the worst, and hope for the best!

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You guys are crazy, the new rewards system is much, MUCH better than 1.1.5! Now team players are actually rewarded for helping the team, and not camping the turret once the 4 medal is achieved...


I'm sorry you had that problem on your server... I never had that problem on mine, we tried to win even after our 3 wins daily was finished because losing is punishment enough in itself. I understand where you're coming from, but the gear disparity this system will cause will be a much larger issue than motivation to win.

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You guys are crazy, the new rewards system is much, MUCH better than 1.1.5! Now team players are actually rewarded for helping the team, and not camping the turret once the 4 medal is achieved...


But they're not, your rewards are just the same as the were before for winning. No team wins ALL their matches so no matter how good or bad a team or person is the new system is an overall nerf in rewards for everyone.

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Hello everyone,


While we understand that this is an important issue to many community members, please note that the community Rules of Conduct do not permit the creation of petitions on the forums. We ask that newly created threads be formulated around the constructive discussion of a specific topic related to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and that they are not designed to accumulate replies such as "/signed" or "+1." For this reason, this thread has been closed. Thank you for your cooperation!

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