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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

UI Disappears


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Just had to alt+tab out and close the game in the middle of a WZ because my UI disappeared. I could move around but there was nothing on my screen as far as a hot bar health or anything. Escape wouldn't help either. Is there a way to do that by accident or did I just encounter the dumbest *********** bug I've ever seen?
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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This just happened to me as well. All of my action bars are gone, I can't access the Interface Editor, nor can I access Preferences.


I can turn the UI on and off, but that just affects the mini-map and quests. No action bars, and all my key bindings do not work in combat.


Logging out and then logging back in didn't fix anything either.


Finally, I had to quit the game completely and restart. Now everything is back to normal.


I've never had this problem before, obviously a bug.

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I had the same thing happen in a couple of instances so I sent a bug report in. The GM that responded seemed to of never heard of this issue and told me to use the fixer on the login screen and reload my UI before every instance (LOL), yeah ok...Anyway, used the repair however, I rarely do tactts/weeklies anymore so not sure if his advice really worked.
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  • 7 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Had this happen to me a few days ago and yes, the only way to fix it was to completely shut down the game and re-open it.


So.... out of curiosity, have they fixed ANY bugs in the last half of the year that weren't exploit-related?

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Had this happen to me a few days ago and yes, the only way to fix it was to completely shut down the game and re-open it.


Happened 3 times now, all when entering a flashpoint from GF.

Ctrl+U helped once, it re-loaded the GUI, the other two times I had to restart the game and wait for the time penalty to end in order to be able to queue again.

Something tells me this bug re-appeared with the latest "fixes" they did.

Like they broke the Gree event and Bounty week

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Just had this happen to me. After alt tabbing and to reply to this thread, it magically came back. It dissapeared in the middle of a fight. I unbound the keybinds to hide the ui when I started playing 1 week ago so there is no way I accidently hit a keybind.
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  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...
AH for f*cks sake! I am at the end of Directive 7 and I killed every last damn robot in the facility and did all the gd bonuses and I'm at Mentor and my friggin UI disappears, ctrl + U U don't work, and neither did alt+tab, so the only thing left to do is log out and then do this blasted thing over again and hope it doesn't happen again.... SO, anoth 1 or 2 hours of my life gone on something that shouldn't be happening 3 or 4 yrs later. Musco or whoever deals with bugs, fix this goddamn ****. I mean come on! I don't even think they have a bug department. Just a reskin dept..... sighs loudly.
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  • 2 months later...

My UI has disappeared every time I've gone to a cutscene in a group. It's super annoying, considering this is the only MMO that my husband and I play together. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem, but that doesn't change the fact that it's annoying. I can't even participate in my own conversations because everything disappears. Ctr+U didn't work, and right when I tried something else, the game crashed.


Dear Bioware, check this bug out and fix it, since I'm clearly not the only one having this issue.

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Are you using a 32bit OS ? Disappearing UI is one symptom I have noticed apart from simple crashing on those using a 32bit OS - workaround/solution is in this thread link


I was under the impression this was no longer an issue as no posts have been made recently as detailed in the known issues sticky at this link or maybe 32bit OS is just less used now

Edited by OwenBrooks
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  • 3 weeks later...

This has just recently started happening to me. Especially after a cutscene.


I'm currently going through JK and am on Alderaan and I'd say my UI vanishes after 1 in every 3 cutscenes on average.


Pressing Ctrl+U just causes the game to crash to desktop and isn't a fix at all. At this point I'm subscribing for about half an hour of gameplay before a crash.

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I performed a full uninstall and reinstall and it still gives me the UI vanishing error after my first cutscene! I logged out, logged back in and it was fixed. Then as I entered my next cutscene the game itself crashed to desktop.


This is incredibly frustrating and it's at the point where I'm considering stopping the subscription because of it. Why pay for a game you can't play?

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