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30/11/0 for PvE???


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Curious question, I'm in the last stretch 40-50 and am wondering if the 31 CM talent is worth getting vs Grav Round. I plan on PvPing but will also be healing endgame PvE content as well can i do both with out Bacta Infusion, or will i be damning my self in PvE by not getting considering the nerfs we got hit with?
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Hybrid before 50 is acceptable, but in end-game you really must assume a single role. No BI really hits you're healing hard, and you will drain ammo a lot faster than with it. IMO I think charged bolts/supercharge cells is a more than satisfactory way of unloading decent dps as a CM in pvp and pve.


Go full dps, or full medic..... don't be stuck in between (you can always respecc anyway).

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Many raiding guilds will use well-geared healers with a 30/11 build for a hybrid raid slot, fulfilling the 3rd healer slot for some fights, and spend the rest of the raid doing reasonable damage. Only a few guilds out there doing this though.


As a primary healer for an 8man raid which we were well geared for... this build caused problems in responding to healing numerous dispersed people in a short span of time.


basically, for pvp it is a good spec, for pve, pay the charge and spec full healer.

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Thanks for the feed back, I'll probably being going for the 31/10 build then. While it would be nice to blow some poor sap away with Grav Round, not being able to heal endgame PvE content would be a killer for me. thanks
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