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What would you like to see in the Next Patch?


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It appears Legacy is a either love hate patch. I don't know if people are actually quiting the game as they say they will in the forums over the patch or just trolling.


Don't just complain about not getting what you expected, make constructive comments.


What would everyone like to see in the next patch or future patches?


Things I would like to see in future patches.



Updating colors of armor to any piece of armor you currently have not just to match the chest piece. It may be to much detail, but to allow armor color to change for each individual piece may be nice as well.


I would also prefer to see head pieces which change color as well. I do not think I have one head piece for any of my 12 characters which the head piece actually changed color.

My BH is running around with a purple head piece from a quest and all red/white armor. Not a good look.


Currently the rewards for having a lvl 50 character seem very limited. Maybe if ther were a couple of options you can pass down to your alts would be nice.


From what little I have played in pvp matches, it appears you can only que up for matches without being able to pick what match you want. An option to que for a specific match or random (giving bonus medals for random) may help pvp. Also, the pvp system should probably include all servers allowing a larger group of people to choose from.


The trasfer of characters from 1 server to another would be nice.


As a casual player, I feel limited with what I can achieve in the game. I don't have the time to grind for credits to take advantage of the 1.5m cost for buy races or grinding forever for the best gear in the game. Maybe adding decent craftable armor sets and mods to the crew skills could help with this, or just setting up a few chain quest lines in the in the lvl 50 daily areas to allow casual players to aquire decent armor without months of grinding for medals. These quests could also be a stepping stone for daily grinders to get better gear while grinding for the next best thing.



Sorry long blog, but enough about my opinions. What would you like to see in patches to come?

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i would like to see them fix sorcerers i would also like it is they would fix hard modes so the casual players can run not just the elite you know more balanced not just lets see who we can tick off this patch till then d3 looks pretty good
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Maybe some new races. Nautilan, Togruta, Rodian, and a few others. They have the models for Nautilans and Togruta, now just let us make characters with them.


And some new Saber colors. Or make colors easier to obtain, like purple. Silver, aqua and bronze.


The ability to change the handedness of their character between left and right. Or even change the way their characters grip the light saber, reverse or normal.


Different length saber blades. Offhand sabers could have shorter blades. Or even add the crossguard saber.


Just a few of my ideas.

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the reason i left wow was because of the elitist that say you have to have to be geared to do this or that and when you d the new fp and it drops crap gear thats not even worth the time to go thru it makes no sense Edited by eulort
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Please, before they add LGBT arcs they better fix the game first! Had to laugh at that! More options for gear at high level. Having to run more ops to get the same gear I already have just to pay 75k apiece to rip mods out and place it in new crafted armor is a terribad idea! How about adding some interesting dailys? I want to fight some more sith lords! More space dailys!!!! More economy fixes in crafting and GTN! ADD actual Jedi looking armies and robes instead of the horrid tier fears we have got so far! How about a plain Jedi master robe for my consular? Novel idea I know
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Please, before they add LGBT arcs they better fix the game first! Had to laugh at that! More options for gear at high level. Having to run more ops to get the same gear I already have just to pay 75k apiece to rip mods out and place it in new crafted armor is a terribad idea! How about adding some interesting dailys? I want to fight some more sith lords! More space dailys!!!! More economy fixes in crafting and GTN! ADD actual Jedi looking armies and robes instead of the horrid tier fears we have got so far! How about a plain Jedi master robe for my consular? Novel idea I know


You do realize that the people working on these vastly different parts of the game are in different teams, right? As in the addition/fix in one aspect doesn't mean another isn't being worked on. And the guy coming up with the robes isn't the guy whoaffects the price of the mods being swapped, who isn't the guy in charge of writing character stories

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Server Transfers are the only thing I want. I have no 50's but a few 30's, but unfortuantely I do not qualify for the reward for supposedly loyal players because they are all on different servers with different guilds and do nothing to contribute to my legacy. I quit one of the guilds on one of the servers I play on because they let in anyone and we were not particpating like a guild, just a large group of solo players. I want to transfer these character's over but alas, no such hope.
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