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3days 10 hours and 42 minutes and a Server 1st later later


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My name is Prodigal of the guild proxyjawas. www.proxyjawas.org


I think I may have become one of the empires or NA's first level 50's.


I'm playing on a PVP server called belgoth's beacon, it's is one of the servers out there.


As for how I leveled so fast well I played beta and I had a really good idea of what to do. I skipped every single cutscene as I had seen them in the Beta. I enjoyed the story but there was no point seeing it again.


I did it to be fast and I wanted to be Empire / NA first and its a goal I hope I have accomplished.


No exploits were used such as the quick levelling through PVP.


This can be seen in my screenshots.


http://i.imgur.com/UjWFV.jpg - Shows me at level 50 and played time.


http://i.imgur.com/AApIm.jpg - Shows my Valor rank, ie very low which shows I did not use the pvp exploit. You can also see I did not exploit by my dark side points as you would not / do not get them from pvp exploits.


Thank you very much for reading and try not to flame too hard.


If you wish to see additional proof, please leave comments and I will try my best to show you with screenshots / streams etc





Josh / Prodigal


One more for the lulz


Did that save a child from hunger? no, so...who the hell cares

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You cared enough to reply to this thread, oh snap. Gratz, no you are not the first.


3 days 10hours isn't that fast either.


Well done!



Another valuable community member without a sexual and a social life.


Well done indeed! :D



I envy you... NOT! :D


Different people do different things in THEIR free time, one spending alot on a game those not imply that he has no social life, you sir fail on unimaginable scale.


This is not Southpark.

Edited by Cyphen
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even if you didn't get region first, gratz on likely server first.



enjoy the rage qq and jelly people.



i'm not a mmo launch marathon grinder myself, but have nothing against it. i can appreciate that there are people that enjoy that kind of thing though.


and certainly i understand that if you played to 50 in beta, there's alot of story overlap.



on the other hand i hope you don't suffer from the first to cap first to quit syndrom, and help guilides/randoms out with fp runs etc and maybe roll an alt to try the story from a diffrent point of view(if you haven't played them all in beta to 50)


anyways, again gratz

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Casuals are the new elitists. Once upon a time it was only the so called 'Elitist jerks' who acted like this one the forums. But now, its the casuals, sniping at hardcore players, I find if ironic.


Its actually a troll post based on the guy who posted the exact same thing the other day, but calm down everyone. Being able to level fast means that he is a virgin. lives in a basement etc. Can we stop these prejudices, its such subhuman behaviour.

Edited by eloco
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do you really have nothing better to do? seriously you have completely ruined the whole idea of the game , by missing all the story and what you gonna do now at 50? wait for everyone else. this first to 50 doesnt interest me you just ruin the game for yourself.
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What the hell, this is a copy + paste of a thread posed yesterday, only with screenshots and names of players/servers changed. THe one yesterday was a guy on Freedon Nadd.


In any case, nobody cares.


The 50's of tomb of freedom nadd are ALL exploiters. Like 4-7 members of a russian guild(dont want to say the name)use the pvp exploit for reach lvl50. Lot of people of freedom nadd have reported this guys. Hope they get a perma ban ;).


So returning to the OP post, the russians of freedom nadd doesnt count for a server/world/region first cause they are a nooby exploiters.

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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you already did the whole story in beta.


But even then? What point are you trying to make? We aren't in 1999 in Everquest where getting max level was actually an achievement.


Go out sometimes, I heard it's good for your health.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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