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I've lost the will to PvP - cancelling my sub until this is fixed


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Another extreame exageration.... I've posted screen shots showing that teams with more then 2 healers on theit team are destroying the other side... When you get 3-4 healers on a team they negate all the DPS.... I've been in games where each side had 3-4 healers and guess what NOBODY dies, when the game was done the most kills a person had was 3...

Please post screen shots showing a group of 8 DPS destorying a group of 6 DPS and 2 Healers, because from I've seen the group of 6 DPS and 2 Healers will own the DPS...


Healers are just mad they can't stay alive with 3 people focus firing them while they heal their whole team like they used to do pre 1.2


I guess it depends entirely on the competency of the people playing. I've been in a group with full DPS against a team with mixed players, and we've obliterated them. But then I've also been in a team with a couple of healers against all DPS, and we've obliterated them. And vice versa too, so it all depends on the people you're playing with.


But what it really comes down to, is whether the DPS can focus people together quicker than the other team. So even if you only have 4 DPS, if that 4 focus people quick enough without being targeted themselves, they'll dominate. It's the same if you're a full DPS team up against a team of 4 healers/4 DPS, as long as your 8 DPS take out the 4 DPS ASAP, the remaining healers will then be sitting ducks if focused 1 at a time. There is currently no way to heal through the kind of damage being put out now if focused, none at all.


You seeing the pattern here? PvP has turned into a focus gib-fest. Whether you win or lose is now only a case of who's teams DPS focuses the best, and then obliterates the rest. That's really all it's come down to, and it's not fun.

Edited by Sweeet
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